Twitter (Part 1)

I’d imagine it went something like the below:

What about Direct Provision?
OMG You don’t even know what it is!!

I just recall it at the time, may have been discussed here, but he directly responded to her tweet and she didn’t tweet again for a few days and never made mention of the incident again. As I said, Casey is an absolute tool, but she came out of the exchange worse.

Edit: discussed here

Twitter - Back Away Quickly?

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They’re a fascinating breed. Is there anyone from Cark they wouldn’t defend?

tfk misogyny crew out i see

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and the other works for the state propaganda tool having made their name on the Apprentice with “lord” sugar. hardly a bastion of truth either

The state propaganda unit has just called today an ‘omnishambles’.

To set her up for a bit of free publicity. Fake news lamestream media tactical ballhop.

The Chinese scientist who published research demonstrating how the Covid 19 virus was likely genetically engineered in a lab has had her account suspended by Twitter. What a strange world we live in when one isn’t allowed question the official position of a totalitarian regime from a western country.

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Have you a link to this?

Oh my. Next Twitter will be deleting tweets from POTUS after some factchecks.
Possibly FB and Google too.
What a strange world we live in is right, oh my on my

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No surprise who’s defending the commies.

Her name is Dr Li-Meng YAN and her account is @LiMengYAN119. Hopefully you can figure out the rest for yourself.

What a strange world you live in. What’s the connection to Trump other than in your odd little head?

Would the application of occams razor imply she had enough of Twitter and deleted the account herself?

No because if you click on her account it says suspended for violating Twitters rules. It’s not unusual for Twitter to suspend accounts that disagree with the official position on Covid, whatever that is. This one is a little odd as the science in the paper she coauthored is pretty solid.

Where is she from?

China. Was working in Hong Kong and fled to the west.

Trump could and should have made a name for himself like the Swedes and stuck it out for community immunity. If only the man had any convictions beyond sowing dissent and TV ratings he could have achieved some things

The POTUS has zero ability to dictate to the states how to handle a health crisis. The Federal government is there to provide support in emergencies, but ultimately the states decide. You can see that in the vast difference between how states handled the Covid crisis, from the strictest like California and New York where bars and restaurants are still closed, to states like Utah and Nebraska that have had no lockdowns. The truth is that states that had no lockdowns fared no worse than those that have had six month lockdowns.