Twitter (Part 1)

And Dublin in 2020 isn’t Alabama in the 1930s

You can presume how a 13 year old school kid can or should feel about material dealing with race.

The audacity is all yours.

No, I’m not making presumptions. You are.

I’d rather hear what they have to say rather than a white supremacist like yourself. If you’d any cop you’d rebrand from the whitey name of glasagusban to something like glasagusgachandathanna


I would think that it’s a lot more valuable to read the book which should teach the other kids that racism is nonsense, than it is to “protect” a black kid from the n word


I see Mary is screaming here.

You are. You’ve loaded up on presumptions on how a book would take a young black kid feel and took that as your starting point.

You should be starting to see how ridiculous you look.

You might think that. But as you have absolutely no relevant experience you are not in a place to say.

The discussion started because the book causes difficulty for some kids.

The response of middle aged white men on TFK has been to say fuck off they should get used to it.

It’s astounding.


no i havent, you clearly have. youre looking like an absolute turd on this thread.

youve presumed that the kid will be offended. youve presumed that the kids wont be able to contextualise it. youve presumed that the kids wont be able to see the difference between slave owning USA and ireland. you have presumed that the kids wont be able to see the difference between the mindsets in another country over 80 years ago and modern days ireland.

you are a presumptuous buffoon

He hasn’t done any of that to be fair

I have as much relevant experience as you do

he most certainly has

He most certainly hasn’t.

No, you’ve made all that up.

Which is exactly his point

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the inferences in your posts are as clear as day, which is probably why youre getting so ratty about getting pulled on it

Eh? No it isn’t. His point is that he is right and we are wrong when in reality neither of us have experience of this and are both guessing

Here’s the original article.

The middle aged white men know better of course. Utter fucking morons.

Image: Shutterstock/fizkes

Government urged to drop novels with ‘racial slurs’ from Junior Cert syllabus in response to Black Lives Matter protests

Parents, pupils and teachers have called for an update the school curriculum.

Mon 12:05 AM 47,292 167

THE DEPARTMENT OF Education has said it is considering suggestions it should remove certain novels from the school curriculum in the wake of this year’s Black Lives Matter protests.

It follows complaints from members of the public in recent months about a number of works on the Junior and Leaving Certificate syllabuses which contain racial slurs.

Correspondence seen by shows that parents, pupils and teachers called on the Department to update the school curriculum after demonstrations against racism were held across the country and the world this summer.

The global protests started in the US city of Minneapolis in May following the killing of George Floyd, who died after an officer held a knee to his neck until he suffocated.

Emails to Education Minister Norma Foley show how several people took issue with the appearance of Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird and John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men on the syllabus.

The novels, which are both set in the American South and contain the use of the n-word, are among 20 prescribed texts for second and third year students who will sit their Junior Certificate from 2021 to 2023.


However, many people told the Minister that the books could no longer be deemed acceptable reading material, particularly in light of the Black Lives Matter protests.

“Black children have found it very uncomfortable when made to sit in classrooms where their classmates and peers are reading this material,” a parent of a black teenager, whose complaint was released under the Freedom of Information Act, wrote.

“[They] are often asked to read the book out loud in class and the effect this horrendous word being pronounced in their presence has on them.”

Another parent said their daughter felt uncomfortable as the only non-white person in their class when the n-word was read out by their teacher, to what she said was the “glee” of some other students.

And in another email to the minister, two students claimed that the books allowed pupils to read racial slurs, despite lacking a full knowledge about how offensive they are.

Black parents and children raised the issue saying the books caused difficulty for the children.

The TFK morons, you included, piled in to contradict that.

You get how stupid that response is in light of where the initial contention came from, don’t you? @artfoley is starting to realise how fucking stupid he looks but will be gearing up to dig in.

Seems like all of the issues in that article are the teacher’s fault, not the book’s fault

youd also wonder how many of the complaints came from whiteys