Twitter (Part 1)

Ambulance on it’s way to east Cork!

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Black parents in the US all have “the talk” about racist law enforcement with their kids where they explain that they’re going to be victimised and how to cope with being pulled over, how to talk to cops etc. This is what Obama says. It would strike me as useful for a black child in Ireland to also have “a talk” about the N word, given that pretty much every black Irish person will have it thrown at them a few times in their life. The idea of having a big talk about the N word with a kid without ever saying what the N word is strikes me as ridiculous, a bit like a nun teaching sex education back in the 70s who would refuse to explain about erections and cumming and so on because it just wasn’t polite.

If you’d allow me to waffle slightly, I actually think that’s a very good comparison, in that it shows how human nature is just to replace one hypocritical, virtue-signalling orthodoxy with another, it seems to be something that we need as a species. The old Catholic moral orthodoxy has been replaced by the PC moral orthodoxy but you have the same sort of Holy Joe’s trying to cleanse society of anything that exists outside of that orthodoxy. Our morality doesn’t develop in a cultural vacuum, morality is a societal phenomemon in the same way language is a societal phenomenon and there are plenty worse things you can be than a virtue-signalling PC person like yourself Glas, for instance it would be much worse if you were a racist. You’ve also fought very resolutely for many noble causes, or at least you’ve posted on TFK about them. If you were born 60 years ago you’d be the exact sort of person who’d be a Holy Joe civil servant going to mass every day and trying to rat out anyone who stepped outside the values of society and have them thrown in a Magdalen Laundry or a mental home or whatever. You were born more recently so instead of being a Holy Joe Catholic civil servant you’re a Holy Joe PC liberal civil servant. But that’s ok, I have plenty of relatives who were Holy Joes like that, no-one is all good or all bad and you’re mostly more good than bad. In any case I dont wish to spend the small remainder of my morning arguing with strangers online and I forgive you your minor outburst.

By the way, is this because I had a go at you a few weeks ago over Micheal Martin’s corruption?


Flash knock down for Tony Bellew there.

Time to rip up all history books and start again.

Who said it from here?

Or are the boys arguing against a fella from twitter who isn’t here?

I think one of the most pertinent quotes in the book is from Atticus Finch.

“There’s a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That’s never possible”.


It’s lovely to see @glasagusban and how utterly obsessed he is with the NOGRA faction.

I wish I could tell you that Glas fought the good fight, and the NOGRA let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but TFK is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew.


You’d miss @Atticus_Finch from around here.

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Have we dropped The Merchant of Venice from the curriculum? Plenty of racial slurs in there as well.

The cancel culture is nuts. Aodhain loves to try and ‘be down with the kids’ so much he’s able to convince himself that he believes in everything.

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He is playing to the woke vote here .

Those are not comparable, that’s a fucking stupid post.

they are comparable, you screaming moron

One is still happening.

No, that’s an utter load of bollox. Your original point was pathetic.

in ireland?

Out of your comparisons there, one of them is still an issue and it isn’t Cromwell.

No they aren’t you fuckwit.

Another middle aged slaphead Irish man who presumes knows how a 13 year old black kid would manage with material containing racist slurs. You realise that the fact you think you know what’s best here makes you a moron?

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Oh the anger and seething there. The mask slips when someone has the audacity to question your righteous campaign.

@Tank wasnt too far off the money there.

Again you presume to speak for people rather than hearing their voices. Along with latent misogyny it appears that there’s also latent racism

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