Twitter (Part 1)

The government are underwriting it . They see it as bread and circuses .

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What costs are there do this that need to be paid for by the state?

Donā€™t they underwrite it every year by paying the players?

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Why did the government bail out the FAI ? You claimed itā€™s a private businessā€¦

A grand donā€™t come for free kiddo

For the benefit of the participants. Itā€™s the most played team sport in Ireland so they need someone to run it

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Withoit doubt his most difficult tweetā€¦ Fcuk sakeā€¦

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Have always held a slightly irrational grudge against him since he called the Gaelic Grounds a kip. He could find a Covid vaccine and Iā€™d still think heā€™s a cunt.

Sure all the Limerick lads slag off the GG

He should know that the Gaelic Grounds is the best stadium in Connaught

Thatā€™s perfectly acceptable. Heā€™s a Roscommon cunt that probably never set foot in Limerick.

Heā€™s around a long while, he surely froze the arse off himself in the Mackey at some stage :cold_face:

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Can anyone translate what Curran is trying to say there?


Iā€™d say Cake is trying to get a bit of notice.

Is Durrow Duignans club nowadays?

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Heā€™s making a show of himselfā€¦ the GAA are following correct guidelines here.

2 Second Close contact was informed yesterday circa 13.57. As been close contact.

Cake has the FACTS here.

ā€œCakeā€ has always been a bit of an ape and this merely confirms it.

His poor English there irks me more than it should.

Thatā€™s as clear as day