Twitter (Part 1)

I hope not. But I definitely wouldnt join a lynch mob for her either.

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You’ll achieve nothing on the sideline

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Don’t take it so literally mate, they don’t want to actually lynch her, just get her fired.

I’m not into that either.

And why would anyone want to interfere in something that’s none of their business, and get someone fired on the basis of stuff they’ve read on the internet?
The witch burning mentality is not far beneath the surface. Busibodies are absolute cunts.

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So you’re a nazi defender then. Nice.

everybody is free to be who they want to be except those who have opinions we dont like or are different to us, says every liberal

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godwins in 2 steps

Hypothetically, is a nazi an appropriate to teach primary school children? A yes or no answer will suffice.




Answer me yes or no question first. Is this lady in question (who I’ve never heard of) in the Nazi party?
And in answer to yours, yes, provided it isn’t illegal, and he or she doesn’t inflict their personal views on their charges.

A jump Skippy would be proud of!

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would you be happy with glas teaching your kids? a yes or no will suffice

hint, if you say no, youre a nazi

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“what’s that Skippy? Theres a fire at the nuclear power plant?”

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I would actually.

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What subjects?


The three R’s, though I’d keep an eye on the third.

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