Twitter (Part 1)

Rural Studies?

She is married to the leader of the Irish nazi party, so yes I think that she is, although I can’t be certain.

You’d be willing to take an avowed Nazi at their word that they wouldn’t inflict their views on their charges? :smiley:

You’re the one defending the Nazi here mate.

Did you read the tweet she sent to the Lord Mayor of Dublin?

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Who? @glasagusban? throw up the tweet?

Or do you think Flatty wants the lune ball who made an unprovoked attack on the mayor to teach his chisellers?

No I didn’t.
Like I said, I never heard of her or her husband.

Well read it and then decide if she is a fit person to teach children.

Cc @flattythehurdler

You are making things up to suit your narrative.
There is no such organisation as “the Irish Nazi party”
The irony is that by making things up in order to remove a person from a job, it is yourself who is displaying Nazi tendencies.

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That may be misguided humour. I suspect it isn’t, but I would be Loth to remove anyone from a job due to a tweet.
I’m more for live and let live.
I have heard and seen scores of jokes about eating bats.
On this basis, pretty much the entire country could be fired.

Misguided humour? The wife of the leader of an anti immigrant party mocking a person because of their race is misguided humour? It’s guided racism and people laughing this off and not taking it head on for what it is are as culpable as this cunt.


im sure a trawl through anyones posts could turn up something thatd get them fired

Her husband has joined neo-nazi rallies on the continent to show his party’s support. It’s not a huge jump to call it a pro-nazi party.

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How long did you have that saved for? :rofl: you must have some database saved up.

What do you think the word Nationalist in the Irish nationalist party, which is an extreme right racist organisation, means? It’s a Nazi party.

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Yeah but Flatty and @Juhniallio think it’s grand to be an openly racist Nazi and have no problem with them being primary school teachers. Live and let live. It’s snowflakery to challenge Nazis.

I have never heard of any of them. Glas question was vague, not specific. Imho you can do two things with people you feel are misguided, you can try to educate them if you believe in forgiveness and rehabilitation, or you can throw them to the wolves. I’d sooner do the former for non violent “crimes” (I’m not sure whether that tweet comprises a crime, and I’m not at all sure that it should).
If it isn’t a crime, and a person’s work is not involved, I don’t think in general that society should send out a lynch mob. I’m sure if I traveled through the posts of everyone on here, that I could find equally “damning” statement is all I’m saying, and I’m not at all sure that getting a person fired in real life for a tweet isn’t too close to thought crime for my liking.
It’s far easier these days to virtue signal.
I wouldn’t tweet anything like that, it reflects badly on her, but she has, I suspect, been reared in an environment that fostered such behaviour.
Look how being raised in such an environment can twist a person’s thinking. Look at the Magdalene laundries which existed in a society we were a part of.

This is a lie.

Very strange logic. Not just flawed but also deliberately misinterpreting post. Sid was a big fan of that craic. I don’t think she is fit to teach my kids nor did I say she was. What I said is that it’s not a matter for a baying mob on Twitter or anywhere else to decide her fate.