Twitter (Part 1)

No you and your friends are simpletons,no better than them lads on the train.Youve told us that many times.

What are you even on about :rofl:

The real problem here is people insisting on recording everything and putting it online. Giards would have beaten them pups 20 years ago. Camera phones are the cause of a more problems than drink ever did


I disagree. Iā€™d say the woman would be afraid and by at least filming it they might put these sort of apes off Turning on them or at least have some evidence. That woman had more guts that the jumped up cunt roaring and shouting.

Ladies ladies . Relax both go to sleep . Zzz zzz

Maybe he was so relieved that that type of cunt was finally nabbed.
How often would that shit go on? That and being probably delayed on his trip by 15mins?

Works a number of ways.


Sure what would yer man know,sitting at home betting his life away and drinking cans.He knows nothing about work or traveling on public transport

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Iā€™ve no doubt they were in the wrong. (EdIt: Jumping to conclusions)

But my god that fella is a wanker. ā€˜Do youse wanna go with himā€™ I think Iā€™d get sick listening to him on the train as a spectator looking on. I hope he was jarred up.

He annoyed me more to be honest by the finish. Easy spot a wanker.

Thatā€™s the peasent, working class mentality coming out. :sweat_smile:

Edit: She was a wanker too.

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Heā€™s a complete dick head. An absolute show man. The minute he saw the cameras he turned on the tap. Roaring at innocent bystanders then to top it off. It would be great if the guards hit him a few clips as well.


Everyone can Relate to That. That was it.

I couldnā€™t drink a pint with him anyway thatā€™s my acid test, heā€™s an ignorant wanker. Iā€™ve watched the video a a few timeā€™s towards the end. Heā€™s a wankerā€¦ plain and simple. Hard to watch.

Good Job, money gone to the head thinks heā€™s someone and now Is A vigilante In his spare time. More power to him. Fuck off.

Iā€™m annoyed that he said ā€˜him tooā€˜ or whatever and the guards grabbed yer man. Canā€™t look at that.

Sorry Iā€™m annoyed :laughing:

Edit: I debated Tom Morrissey getting Hurler of The year until The cows come Home Today.

Obviously drank a few pints


The way he turns on the two lads who clearly werenā€™t involved shows what a prick he is.

Anybody that defends this sort of carry on hasnā€™t a notion. He sums up modern Ireland for me. Roaring and shouting with no substance. He saw the camera and saw the guards and then decided it was his time to shine.

Iā€™d stick up for the woman with the camera. I think itā€™s an act of self defence. It might make one of those cunts think twice about turning on them. Which is fair enough imo.

To be fair I dunno what happened beforehand, I might think different.

But Iā€™m sticking to my guns and saying yer man was a wanker. To be honest Iā€™d say she was a wanker too.

Iā€™ve no facts to back this up but Iā€™m happy with the conclusion.

When 2 Posh wankers & 3 scumbags collide thereā€™s always gonna be fireworks .

Iā€™d haul ass get out of dodge. Thatā€™s what street wise working class ppl do.

That video raises more questions.

How did three young lads hold up a train? Were they throwing glass bottles or empty plastic ones? Who were they throwing bottles at? Were they just messing themselves?
Had they stacks of bottles to throw or just one or two missiles?
I didnā€™t see anyone being stretchered out with bandages around their heads from the missiles but it seems fairly hairy in there??!??

The mouthy fucker is locked and should be fucked off for not wearing a mask! He also could have got two other young lads carted off for no reason.

Years ago I left the Asylum one Sunday morning around 9am. There was a party going on in Blessington Street which I went to. A shop around the corner was selling drinkā€¦but only flagons of cider.

Around 11.30am a fight broke out in the house. I was absolutely pots and pans and half drunk but I witnessed about 40 lads bating each other with flagon bottles. This was a recurring theme for weeks. A half full flagon of cider across the head can hurt a fair bit!

The flagons were soon substituted. A lot of the crowd ended up on smack. Iā€™d say most are dead or riddled now.


The mouthy fucker needs a good hammering. Hope all is well @anon98850436

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no wonder youā€™re siding with the scobes.

You think itā€™s fine for scobes to be firing bottles

Its attitudes like yours that allows these boys get away with bollix acting

@Massey youā€™re jumping to conclusions and insulting people after the leap.

We donā€™t know what went on. Could have been as innocent as lads with half full Fanta bottle re-enacting Bonner in Genoa. Fuck acting and annoying but only a mess as young lads do.

Agree with you however that if firing bottles about in any manner that could harm others, they got their just desserts and a few size 12s dunts of gardai issued footwear wouldnā€™t be unwarranted.

But we donā€™t know what went on and thereā€™s plenty instance where a story has been twisted on Twitter for as little a reason as a play for attention.

To then say lads here are as bad as some of the vermin who do cause havoc just because opinion is held until the full story is known is exactly the pitchfork horseshit becoming all too common online.

We all hate scobes. We all want them punished. We donā€™t however have the full story here to be certain they were being scobes so hold fire with the personal judgment muck of others

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I think the problem here is youths acting badly followed by overly aggressive gardai

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And a loud mouthed Fr Dougal type.


The gardai aggressive yeas i agree, but we donā€™t know if these youths have history of trouble making on the dart or what happened beforehand. The gobshite roaring is exactly that, leave the guards deal with it

you said the issue was cameraphones?