Twitter (Part 1)

And lads looking down on twitter users for doing the exact same thing they do here all the time themselves!

Who knows what happened on the train, big heroes here wouldn’t say boo to a goose


Look at scumbag number 3 . Embarrassing

Would you be happy at being dragged off a train and handcuffed like an armed robber simply because some loudmouth shrieks at the gardai telling them to?
If the young lads were from Cark you’d be like a sausage in a pan.

I didn’t comment on the incident, just the heroes here.

And that’s a bullshit lazy comment from you, I couldn’t give a fuck where anybody is from, I don’t know what happened on that train other than the minute i saw there, it seemed heavy handed from the first Garda but sometimes you’d like to see thjat kind of thing,

Going by the accents, some of those young lads don’t sound like your stereotypical feral youths

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Not by any stretch.

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Anyone who has any sympathy for those scumbags is cut from the same cloth. There is no sitting on the fence when cunts are throwing bottles at people going home from work in an enclosed area .


@BruidheanChaorthainn you’re right about that little wanker hopping around the place with no facemask, being the hard man with the cops behind him.

I don’t have any time for Paul Murphy’s tweet though. He starts off “do a small minority of young people (and old people) on public transport act in an anti-social way?”

He’s making it a young person vs older person thing but no-one has a problem with young people, they just have a problem with scumbags. Old people live their lives in fear. I dont think the gardai acted very violently either, it’s a fairly standard arrest. The 3rd young lad there was definitely resisting arrest, not sure about the other 2.

Neither of us can really say if it’s proportionate or not because we didn’t see what happened in the first place.


He’s an absolute dick head. He’s threatening bystanders ffs. Throwing shapes and doing everything he can to look like the hard man.

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I’d say you’re right that he was tanked up. I bet he was shitting his pants over those aggressive teenagers before the cops landed. Also a bit of littleman syndrome there I’d say.


Get over it, you don’t have an iota what happened and how he felt before the camera was rolling, I suppose you’d have been all over those lads before the Gardai got there, you would in your hole,
Maybe he is a cunt it maybe he’s a bit drunk and pissed off, you’ve dedicated a few hours now to calling him out for something or other

I never ever said I would.

He’s acting the prick. He saw the guards and the camera and thought it was time to make a social media hero out of himself. To top it off he threatened innocent bystanders.

He’s an utter cunt and deserves a hammering.

He was Probably hiding in the corner until he saw the guards and the camera. He spotted his chance to make a hero out of himself. The way he roared at the innocent by standers to top it off probably tells us he’s bully as well.

He’s some cunt anyway.


He probably went straight home and logged on every social platform thinkable waiting to see if he was picked up.

Carkies circle the wagons as a default setting.

Good nan, chase those easy likes

I couldn’t give a shit where anybody is from

Unless its Cark, or Balmoral.

You’ve commented on him about twenty times so looks like it worked :man_shrugging:


Piss off dick head.

There might be more going on here than meets the eye