Twitter (Part 1)

Really? Iā€™d be almost of the opposite opinion. She did loads of media(including Kelly) to bring awareness to the issue of rape, which is very brave. She later realised she hated Kelly for other reasons. She decided to shaft her, with a bit of a lie. Kelly fought back. May not have been wise on Kellyā€™s part to fight it but itā€™s something terrible to be accused of. I dont like Kellyā€™s show but I completely back her right to call out someone lying about her.


My man :clap:

Letā€™s face it; if Kelly was 5 stone heavier would she ever have made a career in the media?

Sheā€™s on the radio for a reason,a sniper wouldnā€™t take her out.

Did she not originally come to the publicā€™s attention on Operation Transformation?

Telling fat people that eating chocolate , chips and pizza makes you fat

I donā€™t know Iā€™ve only heard her shite talk on the radio.A terrible human being.

Agree, sheā€™s absolute cringe. Iā€™d rather listen to someone scraping a blackboard

I looked into this a bit today. It seems that Linda Scooby Doo said that her 85 year old father had no idea she was a rape victim until the Ciara Kelly interview. In fact Linda Scooby Doo had already written a series of articles about what happened her, including for

I might be completely wrong but it looks a lot like she was just completely lying. I should say that I canā€™t find the original interview or the original offending tweet, theyā€™ve all bee taken down, but thatā€™s the way it looks like based on what Iā€™ve seen.

Also, here comes something edgy but thereā€™s something about that Linda Scooby Doo girl that just doesnā€™t sit right with me. She seems determined to have her name thrown into the centre of every single sexual assault story. For example during the Eoghan McDermott story she tweets ā€œI am working with Eoghan McDermottā€™s victims, getting them civil and legal helpā€ or something like that, and then 100s of people commenting telling her hiw great she is. Why does she have to tweet that? Can she not just help those poor women without announcing it? She reminds me of a person videoing themselves giving food to the homeless. I think sheā€™s attention seeking and trying to make it all about her. Sheā€™s holding herself out as a hero to get elected off the back of it. Sheā€™s like the Aidi Roche of the Irish sexual assault scene.

This was actually what got her into trouble with Ciara Kelly. Irish Twitter was having a bit of a pile-in onto Kelly. Iā€™m not sure why, maybe because Kelly was anti-lockdown for a while, but thatā€™s a guess. Not to be outdone Linda Scooby Doo pulled out this story about the interview and her poor 85vyear old father from way back. Then Ciara Kelly refused to back down.

Linda Scooby Doo is not shy about talking about her rape. Sheā€™s also not shy about discussing mental health and gives multiple updates a week on her panic attacks and psychiatric medication. A cynic would interpret it as attention seeking.

So thatā€™s my edgy opinion and although I donā€™t have all the facts I think Ciara Kelly was right. However I ultimately donā€™t know enough about Linda Scooby Doo and I also respect @glasagusban 's opinion.


Another far too long post from me, Iā€™m a boring cunt

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Donā€™t know where she was before but she definitely got the gig on newstalk by being a woman in the right place at the right time. I think NT shafted her a bit production wise at first. Seemed to have a very small team and terrible content. Loads of shoutouts for people to call her and tell her what to talk about. Felt very sorry for her. Sheā€™s certainly found her feet/identity now, itā€™s just not very appealing imo.

All Iā€™ve seen is whatā€™s been posted here. I think Linda said that her father found out about her rape by it being introduced by Kelly on air. It seems Linda had already mentioned it publicly, but it doesnā€™t seem to me like Kelly had cleared bringing it up with her live on air, which I think is something that any person with a bit of tact or empathy would do.

It also seems to me like Linda is of a type that would really annoy lots of lads on here (ok she just seems annoying in general) and thatā€™s influencing reaction too. Seems a bit wrong to me to be enjoying someoneā€™s public climbdown quite so much when it is related to the fact that they are a victim of rape.

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Thatā€™s a dangerous approach



A cynic might. A normal person would probably feel sorry for her, and if it annoyed them, avoid her tweets, itā€™s easily done.

I think a normal person would be cynical here with the information at hand.

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So now setting defamation dogs on someone who told porky pies about you is in the letter but not the spirit of the law.

What a weird twisted post truth world you have created for yourself

Your misogynistic hatred of Kelly is blinding you


A normal person would probably also tell her to be avoiding Twitter if her mental health is unstable, lest she draw more negative attention on herself

What does ā€œshe/herā€ mean in twitter bio ??

Iā€™m in agreement with the broad thrust of your novella there but rape is not like other crimes, those who have suffered it need to know there are those out there who will listen.

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Go ahead, nothing stopping you.