Twitter (Part 1)

A fucking headshot .


Great stuff from Seanie there. Lowry came across as a cunt

It was a bit of a reach to try and fit the Zika virus thing into it but it hit the spot

The key to Seanie’s success in that exchange was self-deprecation. Only top, top INTERNETTERS are good enough to use self-deprecation of a stereotype image of themselves as a rope-a-dope tactic. I’m one of those, due to the endless hours I’m able to spend behind the keyboard, usually while drinking cans of Tuborg.


At the same time you’d have to wonder why Lowry would put up such a cunt ish post. It’s one thing letting them fly on a forum such as TFK but on something like Twitter you’re only asking for trouble.

Somebody mentioned Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” on another thread earlier.

Mr. Lowry did not pick his battle wisely here.

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The problem with Lowry wasn’t the original post but the attempt to claw it back in the second tweet when he was clearly seething


If Lowry was any good he’d have come back with some dig about the Johnson already having the Zika virus with a vague dig at him regarding the size of his head.


A bit like your big zika infected clingon head?

Lowry can a saucy little fucker on twitter at times. He seems to be one of those hateful lads that can give it but can’t take it.

Typical biffo

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He’s very sensitive about his weight on twitter

Remember that time Woogie destroyed him on Twitter and Lowry had all his little sycophants crawl out of the woodwork to wage war.


He should do something about it so.

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He’s always quoting tweets and calling in his followers to reply too. I’m not familiar with the particular Woogie incident but the behaviour described certainly rings true. In fairness, he plays golf and he’s from Offaly so he’s likely to be a gimp. His faux jovial demeanour is a bit offputting too when he looses the rag at the gentlest of jibes. In short, he’s a horrible, overly sensitive, fat cunt.


I’d say he is half afraid to he would probably need to reinvent his swing

If Seanie was still in Kildare, he could have said little, but he has returned to the Breffni and been embraced by his native people. He is feeling bulletproof and as such, fired one back with interest.

If Lowry was “any good” he would apply himself to losing a couple of stone rather than engaging in Twitter spats with GAA players .

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This is it. The equivalent of saying “haha yeah good one” while muttering ya fucking cunt under your breath, going all red and visibly shaking with rage while everybody’s laughing at you.


In general a Zika infected head would be smaller than most so you’ve gotten that completely wrong. Business as usual for you.