Twitter (Part 1)

a martyr for the gatt


What subordinate? You must think you’re still in council with your pretend IRA brigade.

Shtone mad for the gatt.
I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a fair bit of gattin done when you were up in Dublin Hill.

is the bowlers and the groves still going?

This cheapshot saddens me but I’ve been watching some teenage mutant Ninja turtles just now and am completely zen. As it happens I was in rosccomon today and saw this poster and it reminded me of you. I know dwelling beside the swamp in malahide has given you a love for these animals.


He’s a swamp dweller? One way to keep the slaves isolated I suppose.

What the fuck is a Turlough?

A lake in the mountains.Who was your geography teacher.

Always thought it was a name beloved of roasters.

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A disappearing lake …

A winter lake bro, the rising water table in limestone regions creates a lake in winter which disappears in summer. Very common in the wesht. Irelands best defender Daithi Burke being a native of Turloughmore.

Can posters stop using the word gat, or variations. Roasters.

You never heard of the great Limerick hurler Disappearing Lake Herbert ?


The Groves is still going strong, think it’s in NAMA now but still operating away and doing a good trade.

Never heard of Bowlers. Geaneys and Murphy’s Rock the other pubs around there I’d be familiar with.

Geoga teachers are getting great publicity here recently, who’s the lad who has an A1 again? He’ll give us the lowdown on Turloughs.

correct. more city folk would use it tho
we’d just say bushing

It’s funny isn’t it. Now that we’re older we do the same thing during the summer and call it a bbq

Yes mate,hillarious :rollseyes:

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or down the deepwater quay like us where lads used to try to scale ropes from the pier to tugboats , i saw a fella get bitten by a congar eel one night
oh the craic
you cant beat the sense of nastiness and trouble that you get in a garrisson town,
the sheer parochial element is wonderful, u have to have grown up in it to understand, everyone has your back if it kicks off against an outsider
country folk are scared shitless of it and people from the city even knackers would be a bit spooked also

cc @Bandage


Always said Seanie was a good man for the bantz. He’s stitched the fat Biffo up like a kipper there.