Twitter (Part 1)

some of us had the inside line, bro. Thereā€™s PMs that would shock you to your core if you knew the truth behind the claimant .

:man_facepalming: :smile:


How do you know it was the truth?

Itā€™s been a bad few weeks for you pal. The way you turned your back on the harmless latchicos yesterday was shocking once the mood of the forum changed.

Although you are Italian. Italians donā€™t surrender. They just change sides


Iā€™m picky about who I want to hang out with for the rest of my days.

What have you never had one?

Itā€™s fairly obvious now fella I had alot more info than most fellas here

But didnā€™t a few run away from you?

I donā€™t kiss and tell. Relationships should be shown respect.

But you were giving us a blow by blow (pardon the irrelevant pun) of your teenage liaisons last year

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What woukd give you that impression?

Do you know them? Or me?

Bar 1 I never fell out with any gf. And I always encouraged them to do whatā€™s best for them. Because if they donā€™t they will end up resenting you anyway. If thatā€™s travelling and one is not ready or wanting to travel, let them off. Encourage it.

It always comes back to ya.

There are an extremely small number of men I know who were emotionally mature enough to make relationship decisions under the age of 35ish. Very very few in fact. So in alot of cases it worked out by luck or its pure torture.
Finding a woman was a process to many.
Degree - job - act the bollix - find any old bird

With so many separations now iā€™m starting to think I was even smarter than I ever realised.



That is outstanding


+1 to all that.

Some great words here from Paddyā€™s brief ā€¦ his comments about social media are applicable to many here

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Jackson is very unlikeable


Last year?

Iā€™m only on this forum a matter of months.


Grandstanding. He couldnā€™t speak for his own client as far as any kind of apology went but he could throw shade at everyone else.

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A lot of misinformed, misconceived and malicious commentary from the usual suspects

Odd viewpoint.

Youā€™re always playing a violin about your personal travails and attempting to blame others for them. Then you try to counter it with telling everyone that youā€™ve got life figured outs. Itā€™s a rather contradictory line.

Heā€™s a pig.

But itā€™s nothing to do with liking himā€¦ his solicitor was bang on there.

The liberal press stating that women will be afraid to come forward in future due to the way this trial was runā€¦ the trial was run as all other trials by judge and juryā€¦ it was the irresponsible reporting and wild speculation by the same papers and their readers that was irresponsible here. Particularly given the fact that a lot of the evidence was concealed from the public. The 4 lads were guilty from the off by most women and many press outlets due to the texts ā€” being pigs and pushing laddish behaviour to the extreme doesnt mean you are guilty of rape. And only knowing half the facts of the case yet shouting on social media that you believe her and attending protests to show support is beyond bizarre behaviour. The whole case really highlights a lot thatā€™s wrong with the world and how we receive and dissect informationā€¦ that includes morons from the other side roaring and shouting about feminism and giving it big licks after the verdict was announced as innocent.


Fixed that

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Twitter is a corrosive influence on society.