Twitter (Part 1)

Is Cicero not out with his brothers and sister snowflakes marching?

“She was in HYSTERICS” read one sign

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Yes. And you’ve the temerity to call someone else a bigot?

They’re protesting feelings.

I’m sorry to hear you had that experience. I didn’t have you down for one of those weak types though. That’s a bit upsetting.

That’s why I only date Independant women. Both financially and psychologically.

Self employed women are fantastic.

That’s where it’s really at.

If I was an employer of one of these fools they’d be getting a written warning

Have asked that many’s the time. Prepared to be labelled

I have rattled the living fuck out of a few lads here in recent times.

It’s very amusing.


It’s interesting that you quoted @TimRiggins there.

Now far be it from me to put words in Tim’s mouth, but I imagine that had he been around at the time of the hunger strikes he would have been ridiculing protests in support of the prisoners on them, because he would likely have ridiculed the actions of the prisoners themselves, probably along the lines of them deciding to commit suicide over not being able to wear their their own clothes, or something like that.

Whereas you clearly feel those protests were admirable.

Protests over trial verdicts are a reasonably common thing worldwide and have been for as long as the trial process has been around. Protest is the very essence of democracy and trial verdicts are not above that.

Many people on today’s protests will have been there because they feel the trial has opened huge faultlines as to how certain sections of society treat the issue of rape and sexual violence in general. They’re right about that. Sure there might be some wrongheaded idiots but the nature of protest in general is that there will pretty much always will be some - try and tell me the protests during the hunger strikes didn’t have such, because they did - in 1981 some of them attempted to burn down the British embassy like happened in 1972.

Personally I can just about accept the verdict of a jury who found that the burden of proof of beyond reasonable doubt was not met, much as I believe the woman has been wronged.

What I find much harder to accept is the reflex reaction of so many knuckle dragging men on social media, on this forum as much as anywhere else, who have reacted to the verdict by treating it as a legitimisation of and a victory for their neanderthal views of women, of rape and of the concept of what is consent, and who erroneously or mendaciously make out that the verdict means that the complainant was lying, and who believe it gives them carte blanche to now seek to humiliate the complainant publicly, including naming her.

And it’s hard to not think that the content of what the defence QCs said did not contribute to that. The implication that asking in desperation to “at least use a condom” implies consent, when it categorically does not. The rhetoric that the complainant not screaming amounted to consent, when it categorically did not. The assertions that the woman’s confusion as a result of trauma in the hours after the events amounted to lies.

It’s a sort of Trump moment as regards sexual violence in this country. The knuckle draggers of social media like @TheUlteriorMotive and @caoimhaoin and their equivalents across the rest of the internet have used this trial to spout every abhorrent idea they have about rape, about the place of women in society and bizarrely, about their read it on the back of a packet of sugar idea of “a real man” is. Now they treat the verdict as a legitimisation of those neanderthal views.

Views like that are utterly vile and more than deserve to be protested against.

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Ultimately that’s what it’s all about for you and other trolls.

Getting your kicks by trolling about rape.

Says a lot, doesn’t it?

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Dance monkey. Dance.

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Right on cue. Read my previous post. Describes you to a tee.

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That’s priceless, you’re calling somebody a troll :rofl:


What most of them are reacting to is social media outrage.

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They were nice enough to pose for me, were you there @anon26343222

More an observation than an experience…I no solipsist pal…for something to exist doesn’t mean I have to experience it…

Does that sign say Boycott is a rapist?

Social media is generally a pretty good guide to the preponderance of opinion in a country. Social media has proved that there is a widespread preponderance of neanderthal views about women and about rape in this country, as symbolised by shameless rape apologist creeps like @TheUlteriorMotive.

I recognize 4 or 5 heads there …they are all insufferable women’s lib types … hairy armpits and legs to match… You’d be ashamed of your life to caught up in that.