Twitter (Part 1)

Doubt you gave a toss about the Guildford Four or Birmingham Six convictions.


No, social media is none of that.


IV better things to be doing now than entertaining feminist cunts who ware sun glasses and tea cosy hats


Why does it never last?

Did you call anybody a bigot today? :rofl:
You’re a gas cunt, a stupid one but gas all the same

Really? How do you know this?

Boycott Rapists. :grin:

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Why would you give a shit either way? Everything is corrupt to you you malcontent.

What are the 4 things?

Oh no.

You’ve shown your stupidity again. The question posed to Glenshane was did I say there was something wrong with being Protestant. I don’t believe I did. Your obsession with me prompts over eager, irrational posts from you. Maybe have a glass of cranberry juice before making a fool of yourself again.

No mate, you got that wrong again :laughing:

You’re only displaying an incalculable level of stupidity by failing to follow a simple trail.

I’m afraid not, check again dopey

I’d say you were fuming when the convictions were quashed.

You probably would think not as you’re an arrogant sort but it’s black and white and you are utterly incorrect.

Another cranberry juice needed for you.


You stupid stupid man, what a waste of your time this has been :grinning:

it does

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