TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct


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You probably have a cracked onlyfans account

Good piece

I think the the point missed is sheā€™s a minor with the Derry ladies team.


New Lord Mayor will be elected tomorrow

Wonder will Hazel wait until she is no longer Lord Mayor to retract her tweet

I wonder is there a hidden ā€˜unknownst to ourselvesā€™ racism endemic in Ireland, Hazel Chu seems to receive much more than her fair share of abuse, Iā€™d doubt sheā€™s the only one who tweeted about the Carlow story, why is all the comment focussed on her? Iā€™ve noticed that Denise Chaila is a strong love or hate her figure even in Limerick which generally supports itā€™s own,


Iā€™d say the opposite actually, any criticism of a non-white person no matter what it is, ends up being accused of racism by knights like you. She jumped on a bandwagon here, knowing fuck all about the situation but trying to score political points and sheā€™s in the public eye along with courting attention. She deserves criticism, but ugh no, racist.


Whatā€™s an endemic lads?

Youā€™ve the arsonist ethnic minority group all to yourself

Despite having an American accent what has Denise Chaila done to rile up the Limk folk ?

Seems a lovely person

Denise seems grand but I will paraphrase what BP Fallon said about The Corrs -

ā€œDenise Chalia is wonderful , itā€™s her music that is awful ā€œ


Iā€™m not on Twitter so canā€™t comment, but someone needs to explain to this lad what a ā€œbearā€ really isā€¦

These guys would be happy to help

They just look like regular Rangers fans / loyalists. I am not sure he would get it. Please reply though!

Penny start dropping when all the bear gang get together?

What on earth did you google to find that?

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Youā€™ve dressed your curiosity well there!