Post Ewan McKenna

Is it coz you have a pair of knitted runners I wonder?

So if he didn’t court the followers how is he in any way responsible for who follows him? It was your desperate attempt to deride him by trying to associate him with a far right following, none of whom I or I’d wager any poster here has ever heard of, that marks you out as a woke warrior. That’s just this thread. You have a need to appear self righteous on several threads. I’ll point it out in future to clarify it for you. But as seen on this thread, and re the pay yesterday, you seem to have a bizarre blind spot regarding what you actually post.

OK, so you ask a pile of questions and try to get me to jump through hips to ‘prove’ something to you,
But you call me a ‘woke warrior’ and have nothing to back it up?

I’m intrigued, nobody ever called me woke before, I may be slightly liberal in my views, I don’t believe I’m racist or homophobic, is that it? That’s what it means to be ‘woke’?

I just outlined it there above. You might need to read it over a few times. Maybe out loud?

A pile of questions…I literally just asked you why do you think he’s a wanker? You could’nt answer.

What in god’s name does this conversation about Ewan have to do with racism and homophobia. Running hard for cover there suggests something, I’ll let you fill in the blanks

No you didn’t, you said I was woke because I punted out that Ewan has a number of supporters from the far right of Irish society, then you posted some nonsense about self righteousness on other threads, that had me intrigued.
The Ewan stuff hardly marks me out as woke in any definition I’ve heard, whats the other stuff?

Loads of other stuff, the self righteousness is a key element. Here was another beaut

Gotcha, talk about racism = woke :+1:

he supports the Huns


@Malarkey is a writer ffs sake

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is a verbal rioter

Who is righter?

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No, imagine racism when Chu was just called out by that journalist for her entirely contradictory tweets= woke

Got it yet?

Is he not a Hun?

a rangers player? no

Just for reference

Being woke was a positive attribute when used by African Americans (where the term originated). It’s been hijacked by white self hating wankers.


Stay woke!

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That’s it really. They had to be front and centre showing the world how righteous they were, instead of shutting the fuck up and just listening.

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The term is an inversion really for those gaslighters.

Not including @backinatracksuit in that group to be fair.

Oh Holy moly. That’s a headshot

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It’s a “headshot” if you believe that believing in racial justice equals being self hating.

I’m not really sure how anybody could make that link other than having a white supremacist mindset.

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