TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Wait a minute did he not surround and intimidate politicians in the Jobstown water charges protests. Was that a far right lynch mob?


Who is she popular with?

As was entirely predictable, youā€™re attempting to justify far right thuggery because people you dislike are on the receiving end of it.

Indeed. I typed her name into a search bar and only 4 results came up. None of which were complimentary.

Where was I justifying it?

This seems pretty complimentary.

Are you going to gloss over the fact that your response to the violence by the far right today seems, at best, extremely flippant?

I think they were screaming ā€œPEACEFUL PROTESTā€ so all good


Your initial response was to reference to who the victims of it were and strongly imply they had it coming to them because of who they are.

They didnā€™t.

Thatā€™s generally what people who want to justify far right violence do. I think we can also fairly surmise given your support for the likes of that MAGA thug De Santis in Florida that youā€™d have quite a bit of sympathy for the perpetrators of the violence today, because they are little different from De Santis.

ā€œJustifying far right violenceā€ to my ā€œresponse being flippantā€. Walking back already. I asked a question. Youā€™re the one jumping around like a Jack in the box and casting aspersions as per usual.


Still no condemnation of the violence by the far right. Still trying to change the subject. Thatā€™s what people who want to excuse or justify far right thuggery do, Johnny.

He did

I dont condone any violence. Peaceful protests at all times. We have seen with David Amess and Shinzo Abe in recent times what can happen. I wouldnt wish ill on any politician no matter how strongly I disagree with them. My original post wasnt even about Paul Murphy but the tweet under it who was again claiming to be on the receiving end of special treatment for the umpteenth time.

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Good. Glad we have that sorted.

I donā€™t know why Anne Marie McNally annoys so many people around here so much. I genuinely donā€™t get it.

I wouldnt call it being annoyed and I can only speak for myself but its either she is the most misfortunate and unluckiest person in Ireland (she could very well be) or a total Walter Mitty character where she sees misogny type tweets or people who have been subjected to vile treatment and internalises it. People have volunteered to call the guards on her behalf before but she dissuades them. I dont know. If its the former she has my deepest sympathy. She also lost her dad not long ago so is probably still coping with that. A break from social media would probably not be the worst idea.

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I actually thought that Lord John account was a parody for ages, it was like it was taking the most ridiculous Unionist opinion possible in order to make fun of unionists. I actually thought it was very clever. I was disappointed when I found out it was just a ridiculous unionist


Iā€™d say hallucinogenic would be even better.

The Kilclooney account is BOX OFFICE. Youā€™re both laughing at him and with him and thatā€™s the genius of it. Heā€™s pulled of the stereotype of a dotty, slightly racist but ultimately benign grandad to a tee. Heā€™s like a middle class Unionist hybrid of Grandad and Uncle Albert from Only Fools And Horses.