TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Like a short man at a urinal.


Roisinā€™s name is more flags than letters

Whatā€™s the Pakistan agenda about? I feel like Iā€™ve missed this, tis hard to keep up.

Was thinking thatā€™s a lot of flags as well

Frankly youā€™re a Republican Party stooge if youā€™re not on top of the Pakistan thing

Johnny Al Knoxville

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The replies on it. I can only assume they are all wind up accounts, or there are an awful amount of dumb people in Ireland. Whatā€™s their beef (pun intended) with insect based food. I have seen it in supermarkets. Donā€™t buy it if you donā€™t want it. It canā€™t be any worse than the processed food that they are feeding themselves and their kids pumped full of proper dangerous shit ingredients.

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Siure itā€™s all a globalist conspiracy (they are head bangers)

Phillip is a great man to lower the blade after a skinful on a Saturday night. Heā€™d be tweeting away till the early hours pouring his heart out and taking on all comers. And then he wonders why people come after him

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It must be like looking in the mirror for you is it


Iā€™d be more of a Sunday night man, or at least I used to be.

Evidently I happily have.

Whatā€™s your definition of this new (to me) divisive cat call?

Got a msg saying 2-factor authentication had to be switched off on Twitter unless Iā€™m willing to pay for a blue tick.

I duly obliged. However, once I clicked the confirm button they asked me to use my password to confirm this. I could remember it so asked for a reset link. Filled out the reset thing and they asked me to confirm it ā€¦ using 2-factor authentication. Tried to use it and they marked it as suspicious activity so Iā€™ve had to appeal to get my account back.


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This is what I imagine Gilroy and the OTB lads get up to after they finish recording the Dadcast.

Is she taking the piss?

Funnily enough

Correct. Why would he drag the corner of the box that far?