TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Only a small thing, sure it wouldnā€™t really affect our daily lives.

Are we at peak woke yet?

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Imagine Aodhan had gone to college 10-15 years later. He is pretty insufferable as a try hard mid 40s wokester, if he had gone to college during cancel culture era I shudder to think of what he would come out with.


The mind truly boggles.

To be honest Tim it is hard to see how he could be any worse .


Everytime I see him I think of this and laugh. Very childish of me I know


I do too tbh.

Weā€™ll look back at these times and wonder what the fuck happened to allow an opinion or a poorly expressed thought be used to cancel somebody.

Opinions you donā€™t agree with it used to be challenged and debated. Now they are weaponised to destroy careers and lives.

I hope so but I fear this is what society has become and hereā€™s no going back.

It has gone too far but on the opposite side of the argument racism and hate speech is far less acceptable than it used to be. That is no bad thing.


Thereā€™s more people reading gript now on TFK than the Sunday Indo, obviously a result of the ban on visiting elderly parents


The lack of condemnation from @glasagusban is telling.


That was sent to meā€¦ Iā€™ve a friend that has had their personal and professional life almost ruined by Twitter. I canā€™t help but think that the irish Twitter space went rapidly down hill after a member of TFK went off and took posts from here to an elected official for Limerick Cityā€¦ You can map the decline of Twitter from that exact moment.


Funny how some fellas on here saw little issue with that, yet are losing their rag over tweets or links being posted up here from twitter.

The mental gymnastics required for posting on here at times is incredible.


Not enough woke credits in that it seems.

Thereā€™s some very dangerous bastards among us.

That was the moment TFK became an extension of twitter. No longer our little enclave of lunacy.


Old TFK died that day.

I think they said that lads had to stand over what they said on the Internet and if a lad lost his job over it that was his own fault

There were then lots of :rollseyes: when asked to defend that silly stance

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Out of the ashes Running and Running Accessories TFK 2.0 emerged

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