TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

In fairness to Mary Robinson she brought a bit of gravitas to the office of President that it had been sadly lacking up to the time of her election when it had been reserved for retired Fianna FĂĄil hacks. And it has retained that gravitas since. God help us if we had elected that buffoon Lenihan to the role.


She was a great President. I campaigned for her myself back when I was in 5th class. She gave the nation a boost and brought a sense of modernity.
It clearly all went to her head though. She thinks shes Gods gift to humanity, a fully feldged member of the UN gravy train with her head up her hole


I was at a meeting with another former President who when the meeting ended hopped on the Luas to go home. No airs or graces at all.

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Good point. What have the UN or human rights ever done for anyone.

Plenty. She’s still a cunt

Paddy must have been lost. He should of got the Dart.

You read a report that says haughey tried to tarnish Robinson, swallowed it whole and used it to criticise Robinson. How gullible are you? To support your contention you said that Robinson was the former chair of trinity law school.

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Why? Would you ever cop on to yourself.

“Have”. Ffs. This place is going to the dogs.


You need to relax

Mary wasn’t too worried about the Sheikh’s daughters human rights.

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you read a report that was mostly based around quotes from robinsons special advisor and swallowed it whole. have you ever met a special advisor? would you consider them bastions of truth, or are they focused on the message for the politician and keeping them out of trouble?

She held her hand up as having got it wrong and apologised for that episode.

She’s a bit soft in the head these days, did you not see her breakdown in Glasgow. Old age is horrible.

I think it tells you a lot about someone that they would defend the powerful person in that episode.

Haughey actively tried to discredit Robinson and you swallowed it because she was Chair of trinity law school. This is one of you’re dumber positions among many.

She got it wrong. What is she 80? She held her hand up and apologised.

She defended someone who kidnapped their daughter and held them (and still holds them) hostage. That’s not “getting it wrong” :joy: That’s selling your soul

She held her hand up after she was rightly slaughtered for it.

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youre actually coming across as the idiot that you think robinson to be. shes clearly smart and had a part to play in this whole affair. haughey couldnt have discredited her if she hadnt insisted of getting rid of the staff.

do better in future

poor old mary was set up by sheikh mohamed as well as mayo county council