TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Itā€™s a very strange world where a psychopath murders a young woman and the woke crew suddenly decide thatā€™s a male female issue.


Someone badly needs to call out Peter Sutcliffe

cc @Copper_pipe

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From whatā€™s known so far it seems this guy was a psychopath, enough to get into the police force. What he did to this girl, abduction and killing was a completely unnatural act. So what could society have done to prevent it? Would differing norms affect the decision making of a psychopath? By definition certainly not. Probably the only thing to do is give safety advice and self defence training etc to women, albeit it was a thankfully very rare event. But the bird app seems to suggest thatā€™s out of bounds as itā€™s considered placing an onus on women from the behaviour of men. But this isnā€™t normal male behaviour. I think people are conflating their own bad experiences with this terrible event. Is there a connection?


Gript seems to have gone mainstream in my absence and dare I say is going towards reputable. Good to see all opinions listened to and then questioned. Bit ridiculous to do otherwise.

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I think this murder has affected a lot of the woke crew as it seems completely random in a decent area of town and the victim reminds them of themselves. Thereā€™s a level of unconscious bias in their own thoughts here ironically enough.


Are there going to be online campaigns when a woman murders one of her children?

Unconcious bias - exactly.

I find that crowd to just be total hypocrites on every level really.

Divide and conquer is a serious piece of business.


Thatā€™s probably it. Plus undoubtedly the vast majority of women have a negative experience at some stage with men and if you had that and felt unsafe itā€™s natural to assume the worst might have happened. Even if there is no natural jump to abduction and murder. But as with all these twitter campaigns tarring all of a group is not the way to change opinions.

Donā€™t get me started on the male allies desperate to tell the world how much theyā€™ve been doing prior to this.

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Tom: what can I as a man do to help?

Donā€™t rape or murder a woman Tom and we should be good. You absolute let down of a human being.


The far left war economy would be a sight to behold. Theyā€™d be reduced to eating boiled gender studies dissertations after a few weeks.


The liberals will turn on themselves within 24 hours.

Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not on twitter.

It is a cesspit - some interesting stuff now and then but for the most part its awful.


Itā€™s only good for getting live scores in matches and the pandemic with live streaming has nearly put paid to that.


Itā€™s kicking off in Clapham

Tis grand for score updates / news on sports & travel etc. ā€¦,

Individual stuff can be awful poison

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I deleted the app off the home screen. Only look for something sports or news related now or the occasional peek. Way better off. The ultimate echo chamber, thereā€™ll always be someone who agrees with a point and someone to back your attempt to cancel points you canā€™t debate

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Youā€™re way better off. To be honest the only posting Iā€™ve done on the internet over the last 10 years has been on here or whatsapp.

I set up and deleted my facebook account in 2009 - fuck that shite.

Thatā€™s probably for the best, youā€™d never be able for it

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I wouldnt to be fair. Life is too short.