TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Facebook is handy for the messenger and buying and selling I haven’t posted anything in years.

A few more Facebook posts will surely draw out the old reliable.

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Facebook marketplace is great. Handy instead of getting a skip just sell your shit for a 5er. Better for the environment

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One of the things that annoys me about this is that liberals are supposed to be woke or awake to the marginalisation of black people in the media, that black lives should matter but I doubt very much this murder would be as high profile if she wasn’t a photogenic white woman.


Hope @Tassotti is safe

She has a bit of a Natalie Holloway about her alright @Tierneevin1979

Maybe. There are better examples of hypocrisy and mental gymnastics. Violence against Asians has been happening for decades in the Bay Area. Specifically SF and Oaktown. The woke won’t condemn it other than blaming white supremacy (it’s not whites responsible for the attacks).

Being woke is quite the challenge. You have to invent cases of imagined injustice while ignoring actual blatant hate crime.


Awful case, never found.

Barry Glendenning is having a right old clatter off a former member of the Met Police who seems to have been caught lying in court against the Offaly native in the past. He’s launched a lovely few attacks against the former Bobby.

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Loving the thread title change :rofl:

I saw that. Barry doesn’t give two fucks.


Even for him this is pretty full on. Has to be a good story there.

Is the joke that he has the paper upside down?

Cunningham likes inputting himself into as many stories/events as possible


I think Woolie Parkinson wasn’t far wrong about him.

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What did Woolie say?
