TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Why do you hate the homeless?

I want heads to roll.for the signing of akinade

At first I thought he was after having a few cans but normally heā€™d delete anything too inflammatory if that was the case.

Bohs Bohs Bohs

Lovely article in yesterdayā€™s Irish Times about Bohs. A real community club. Daniel Lambert and the Fontaines D.C lads are remarkable young men.

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Sectarian abuse in their last home game?

Old habits die hard. Itā€™s his FG roots.

The paper of record never mentioned anything like that

Call me old fashioned but I wouldnā€™t want a community club bringing a child rapist into my community

Iā€™ve genuinely no idea what you are talking about

Oh dear

You must know that story?


Is @binkybarnes a Vincentā€™s man?

I see a pattern

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Not a clue. Should I?

Thatā€™s like me mistaking you for a hurling loving 4x4 driver

Although this came afterā€¦


I donā€™t think Woolie has ever been wrong in his life

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Woolies nawful rogue