TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Wouldn’t be allowed in those big tournaments but with cash games the players can often agree on their own rules. Back in the High Stakes Poker and Poker After Dark days they might sometime run out two full flops, turns and rivers if it was all in pre flop. Odd occasion they’d run it 3 or 4 times. In theory it helps ease the variance if you’re ahead before showdown.

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If she was cheating she could surely have picked less obvious hands to utilise it.

If you skip to 7:00 in this. You’ll see the chair vibrate :grimacing:

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Think she wanted to stick it to your man regardless

It’s bullshit,made for TV rubbish,Doyle Brunson wouldn’t put up with this shit

The guy under-estimated her because of her tits. The sexist prick got what he deserved


It’s almost like that’s what she was hoping to achieve

Toxic males can’t compute being beaten by someone with great tits so they cry foul. Thats all there is to this


U wot mate?

Something strangely addictive about this ones work. I believe tiktok is her main medium. Helps that she’s an absolute ride too.


She’s excellent, does great work. Falls outside the half my age plus 7 rule so can’t rule on her looks.

Yeah she’s very good.

That’s a remote control ffs

She’s pushing your buttons

100% riode

Cc @Spidey



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Fucking loved Art, great character

Does she just mimic on every clip? That’s extremely needy.