TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Fuck is that the rule. So once you hit 46 you can’t look at anyone in their 20s hole again.

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It’s not mimicking it’s lip syncing. Hard for us to appreciate new art forms at our age


Hello, Putin? Have ya any wars going pal?


She has a lovely Monaghan accent. A teacher. Comes across as a lovely wholesome type.


That’s beautiful. And to think some lads on here just love it when funding is cut for single mums


That is fucking brilliant

Casillas and Puyol after coming out as gay on Twitter apparently. Probably to be confirmed but would be a strange thing to make up

Just Casillas I think

Tweet deleted now.

Poor chap continually being linked with absolute queens.


He must have recovered well from the heart attack anyway!

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Shur look it

Crazy theres (more or less) no openly gay soccer players. Nobody gives a fuck any more surely, especially the younger generation

I’d imagine there is many of the younger generation would weaponise this against any opposition player immediately in fairness.

It is mad that there are no openly gay players though. Leinster had two players come out last season and it was barely passing news

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