TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Joanne is great bit of stuff


Youve obviously never been at one of the (numerous) gigs when heā€™s been in a foul humour from the off. Iā€™ve left halfway through a gig because I wasnā€™t in the humour for that level of antagonism on a Friday after work. He was a sanctimonious cunt for a few years. Paul Brady no better. Iā€™ll never pay to see that cunt again either.


Correct. No alcohol to be served at the marquee as heā€™s playing. Some might say fair enough but shur wasnā€™t he a martyr for the booze himself back in the day and prob wouldnā€™t have played if he hadnā€™t a regular feed of pints sent upto him .
Heā€™s a folk legend but a cantankerous old git all the same !!

No clapping along or anything resembling movement. He was like a batter with the sightscreen at Lords. He nearly caused a proper row one night when he stopped playing and started mouthing off about a lad going to the toilet. Someone in the crowd stood up to him and softened his cough, but it wasnt a relaxing evening.


ā€œMountbellew was Purgatoryā€ for everyone

Iā€™ve posted it before but the above reminded me of it.

Worth a read.


Micah is clearly tackling the stirabout with his customary gusto.


The bookmaker / tipping twitter are all gone buck ape attacking each other tonight

Icy seems to have lost it.

Icy looks like heā€™s ready to take on anyone tonight

Real treasure trove that account. Just got lost in it there for an hour. Slighly eery but no mistaking that they were tough times. Little did they know 3 generations later those moments in time would be brought back to life.

Not a latte to be seen

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Erm he hasnā€™t done much there other then being an arsehole. Hardly a cancelling offence

He has to go

On second thoughtsā€¦

He may stay over there where we canā€™t see him