TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Jaysus. Heā€™d need new underwear after that


Luckily it wasnā€™t a grizzly

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If the bear got him with the jimmy ā€œflyā€ snuka off the top ropes first go it was all over.

Heā€™s a remarkable human to fight it off

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Twas only a small fella

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Youā€™d have to be wondering where thereā€™s one, is there two?

Call it a day and fuck off to the modern comforts of home

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He was on top of the mountain then as well, a long way down with a Bear looking for revenge

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Poor aul bear doing no fucking harm to anyone then this ape arrives and starts bawling at him. A pity the cunt didnt fall.

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Icy was absolutely destroyed for a supposed hardman. The leaked DM is hilarious ā€œway more people like me than you realiseā€.

That guy seems to have really hit a nerve. Itā€™s no harm to see a bully get a taste of his own medicine.

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Only a cub looking for its mother.

Throw up a link to the to and fro please.

His PR team should see a nice bonus this Xmas.

He ā€˜foughtā€™ off a care bear. omg. Opening slot on TLLS beckons

Some good Reddit posts on Corden being an appalling person.

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Stewart Lee has some good stuff on James Cordon.

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Thatā€™s outrageousā€¦ I hope this cunt gets charged for abusing a poor little cub.


For a lad whose whole shtick is having a laugh on twitter and not taking things seriously, when it swings the other way round he sure doesnā€™t like it up him.


Surprising to see Dublin perform outside Croke Park