TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

All this sort of stuff does seem more than a bit problematic. Twitter may have been a nawful place but it can get a lot more nawful.

Shes taken a clatter before.

Musk musk musk

He will drive the lads who support free speech (once it’s woke style free speech) berserk


Ye is already back and the donald soon. Gods work

So gods not Jewish. Good to know

Maybe it says more about me that I assumed the N word was a different N word

I was watching a live U2 video recently. Bono used the N word in early 2000s without any rancour or comment.

The Jews were responsible for God being nailed to the cross according to the Catholic Church.

Not their god

It wasnt live so.

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Are you saying you can’t watch a live recording?

Sure Eamon Ryan says it

And I think if we’ve learned anything in the last 30 years we can assume that anything the Catholic Church says can be taken as gospel.


They’re not all bad

Free speech (except for women and gays)


We all need to work a bit harder, guys…

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