TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Ah thats magnificent.

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Things had gone quiet on the ewan front since lads here stopped posting his tweets. Gil will love this one

Thatā€™s pretty funny tbf

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The craft beer drinking Limerick wokerati wonā€™t like it one bit. Banditrubber word is gospel

I am the craft beer scene in Limerick

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Thatā€™s brilliant

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Titania McGrath is quite possibly the greatest tweeter of all time.



Just wait to jorund wins a medal in the ladies category 5 in the special Olympics.


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What did we miss here? :astonished:

It was scandalous

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I donā€™t know anything about instagram but heā€™s dead right about Twitter, Ewan is nothing but a cunt though, what would you expect from a dog but a bark

I didnā€™t know he had autism.

Ironically, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Ewan does as well.

He does seem to enjoy being nasty these days. Imagine how much better his life would be if he just deleted his profile (Ewan), itā€™s not like he needs it for work. I donā€™t have a twitter profile anymore but obviously browse some threads on it. A nasty platform, all the hours folk waste on it just abusing random strangers.
Best thing I did on it was complain a guy to his employer over James McClean death threats.

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