TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

This will drive a few of the usual suspects demented


Andrew is some ball bag

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He needs to grow some hairā€¦

The usual suspects will lap that up

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A freak, a dickhead, whatā€™s he even doing, heā€™s driving around in a car and getting on an airplane, like thatā€™s something to aspire to??

But heā€™s winding up the girl with autism so heā€™ll be a hero to many :man_shrugging:

She destroyed him.

He is now a laughing stock

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Fella has 33 cars. On the HP youā€™d imagine

He must spend half his life in the tax office


Whoā€™s Andrew Tate


Had never heard of him lately but had to Google him when his name came up. Seems heā€™s a (former?) kickboxing champion who has made his name being a chauvinistic plonker online. The type of guy that the Jordan Peterson fanboys would froth over when heā€™s merely a poor manā€™s Conor McGregor


This Tate fella seems to have done awful well for himself. Is he into wind farms or something?


He has the tfk crusties frothing at the mouth anyway. Seems the line is poor autistic greta now when they wanted to follow her advice on how the world should run their energy strategies not so long ago. Gas lads all the same


Did you read that here or just make it up?

About how we should run energy based on the ramblings of a teenage girl? Youd be in broad agreement her wouldnt you? Id guess if we looked back at older posts when she was giving her big speeches youd be a major cheerleader but i havenā€™t checked the audit trail.

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You should check it before making definitive statements like that, Iā€™d say youā€™d be wrong

Well you did say leave poor autistic greta alone above didnt you?

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Nope, Greta is a big girl, Iā€™ve no problem with somebody debating or disagreeing with her,
And Iā€™ve never said anything like you claimed I did, youā€™re just moving the goalposts now,

You said hes winding up the girl with autism?


I read before about him having a get-rich-quick website.
I couldnā€™t tell you if people are stupid enough to give him money to tell them how to do that.

Well yeah, thatā€™s only a few posts up, you made up everything else

My point was that thereā€™s plenty of apes that will lap that stuff up, because heā€™s had a go at Greta, Iā€™d say her autism has an awful lot to do with her activism, so itā€™s relevant