TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct


Don’t think the xpose women were on great money from an article I read in the Sunday Independent. I dont think she got much media work after, tried to start a bussiness then, didn’t work out…all this bollocks stems from that you’d think.

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I remember her reading the news on TV3, shouldve stuck at that. Would probably have a nice communications gig with one of the political parties now at the least.

I don’t know was she ever a fit with the xpose crowd, bit more alternative

Claire Byrne never heard of Dr john ioannidis, no great surprise that an overpaid news reader hadn’t heard of him. But Prof Sam McConkey never heard of him either. How do I know this? I heard a clip of the Claire Byrne show where John Hutson (Wetherspoons) casually dropped this esteemed Dr’s name into the conversation. Byrne couldn’t shut him up quick enough and said she never heard of this doctor. She asked McConkey if he ever heard of the esteemed Dr. He confirmed he never heard of him. That was a lie. Read about Dr john ioannidis and you’ll realize it was a lie. Do a further bit of basic research and you’ll find out why it was a lie

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I heard that piece. Can you expand please? What’s the additional basic research?

Paul Galvin was making more as a teacher

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Fucking explain you lazy bollocks

It’s the likes of you have us where we are.

Her friend Glenda’s uncle was assassinated by the Deep State in Russia

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What’s this?

This could be HUGE.

Aisling is kracked shur, the poor Klare kunt

5 top drawer wankers in that photo.

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Colm sounds and writes like an absolute cunt.


He’s no problem bullying a woman who’s clearly vulnerable.

McConkey wouldn’t want to know who John Ioannidis is because he has become the primary hate figure of not just the Zero Covid movement, but also the supporters of forever lockdown, the zero Covid in all but name. In terms of politics, that’s pretty much all of the nutcase left, most of the leaders and a lot of the followers are champagne socialists (wankers in other words). Their basic motto is you poor people over there need to fucking stay locked down as long as this thing lasts, so we and our very special parents and grandparents are safe. That may seem a bit harsh, but the reality is that it’s the parents and grandparents of the poor and low income that are in the main dying, and lockdown doesn’t protect them in the slightest, they don’t live in leafy suburbs or mansions on the hill where they can safely isolate, work from home, and order their groceries and cooked meals online. They work in the low income “essential” jobs where there’s a higher risk of exposure to Covid, they have to go to crowded grocery stores to shop where 99% of masks worn are fuck all use, and go on public transport, etc.

But lockdown is for their own good they say, we are saving them from themselves, as they sip their Moet and nibble on their artisan hummus and seven grain crackers. The same cunts with their BLM signs on their half acre front lawns, who would absolutely shit themselves if a black person walked through their neighborhood. Defund the police they say, but they don’t really mean that, as they demand the police show up if a dog shat on their immaculate lawn. Wankers all.

Ioannidis is by no means infallible, and he has made some dubious conclusions on limited data, but on a global basis he is more right than wrong. His work was done off antibody studies so there may be sampling issues, and it dates from summer of last year so out of date. The global median IFR for Covid may now be roughly 0.5% but the range is enormous, from less than 0.1% to at least 1.5%. There’s a very broad range of Covid mortality across regions, and it isn’t easily explained. Low death rates in Africa and most of Asia, demographics and diet, reporting issues, life expectancy, sunlight, lockdowns, no lockdowns, who the fuck knows.

What we do know is that in wealthy western countries reporting is fairly good and the statistics are consistent. Deaths range from 100 - 300/100k population and the IFR calculated at 2 times CFR is 1.0% (Europe is 1.1%, the US 0.9%). That seems intuitively right to me, a higher than median IFR in wealthy countries where people have a long life expectancy and a lot are obese.

Where it all goes tits up is when it’s politicized. The US has the highest death rate in the world (it doesn’t, Europe is higher), it’s those people that won’t wear masks (it’s not, the virus don’t care about your fancy scarf), people opposing lockdowns are murderers, people for lockdowns are murderers, etc. It’s all bullshit. It’s a nasty old disease and you don’t want to get it, and should do everything you can to avoid getting it and endangering others, but on the flipside you also can’t expect other people to bear the burden. I do think it’s unfair what we are doing to young people, they should be out enjoying themselves, working on a career, riding, the things young people have always done. And of course the reality is a lot of them are, which makes a mockery of governments who fucked up the early response and are now trying to be seen to take stern action, like Boris the clown taking credit for lockdowns, or your silly person with the pointed head that views me as a dangerous threat even though I’m now fully vaccinated.

Was that long enough for you cunts? It’s now a simple choice. Vaccinate the old and vulnerable and whoever else wants it and OIUTF, or concede to the nutters and stay locked down for the next decade until all threats of possible variants are gone.


7 grain crackers, where can I get them?

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I thought it was funny the way CB shut your man down.
Lad from Wetherspoons; John Ionnidas
CB; I’ve never heard of him, Sam have you ever heard of him?
Sam; No
CB; You can’t be quoting people we’ve never heard of.

One of the things the pandemic has shone a light on is the amount of absolute looney tunes earning a living in medical faculties around the world. Your man Ionnidas, Delores Cahill, Sam, Tomas Ryan, Ferguson, Gerry Killeen. I’d say the list is endless.