TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Neatly sums up the kakistocracy we have in Ireland.



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Fair fucks to whoever left a paper trail to Donnellys pettiness and narcissism. Fucking Twitter mentions! A cunt trying to put the appearance of work on himself.

Online gaming is serious bizness

cc @Aertel220 @Batigol


Jaysus. Video games and cartoons and superheros… Nobody in their right mind should have any interest in these past the ageof 14

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FIFA would have been a staple of a lads pad in college when I was there.

Still is.

Christ we knocked some crack out of FIFA 2000 back in the day.

The kinda fella who never had an interest in sport but followed Leinster rugby from 2008-2013


:grin: :grin: :grin:

That F1 game looks decent

That’s fantastic.


There’s a lesson in this for everybody in all seriousness,
The mind is a very fragile thing, be very careful . Is there a significant other in her life?


In fairness to Aisling, Colm has picked this up wrong. The lady quoting Goebbels is referring to people they perceive to be propagating lies (we’ve seen lots of the same type of comment on TFK), they are not aligning themselves with Nazis.

Aisling has gone full conspiracy theorist anyway, she’s like something off Paths to Freedom.


Would ye have a crack off Aisling lads? Roaring conspiracy theories as you’re laying it into her?

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After 8 or 9 pints, yes

Jim Conlan missed a trick here

Exactly. It’s Colm who’s using Nazis to make a point, which seems to have been lost on the twitterati.