TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Elaine is not letting this go, fair play to her.

Did she marry @Batigol

Think he married the delectable Valerie Wheeler.

‘Do better’

Always a good warning sign of a wokista


Good performance by @Bandage earlier on the internet voicing what many of us are thinking



I’ve had it with the global technocrats.


Elaine is a FOTF.She took on Dinny at one stage iirc

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He seems like a good egg.

28, thought he was 40.


This woman is pulling stunts like this to keep current and sweet. Engage, engage and engage more is what’s advised by her advisors who copy the American political model. This tweet isn’t an accident, it’s just so bluntly cynical and calculated it would make you quite sad.

At least the Paddy Losty figure who was there previouly drinking 100 pints a day wasn’t advancing fake causes. Terrible person.


Hazel explained that the “mini mayor” got hold of her phone and tweeted by mistake

It’s a lovable and heart warming story


How would you believe a lad who can’t even find a jumper that fits him.


Predictive text doesn’t work like that. Or screen locks on a Lord Mayor’s phone.

Deeply cynical woman and nobody can question her because of potential racism calls.


I don’t think that woman is for good. Her eunuch husband is not much better.

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This is true. He had an air of not giving a shit though, which i admired from my advanced age and conservatory.

If you want to question her it’s very easy. Just set up a Twitter account under your own name and go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you.

I’m happy enough that she’s gets slaughtered in every vote internally, so it would give you some hope that people know what’s she’s like and how’s she’s prepared to put colleagues (who’ve helped her no end) to the sword for her own grift.

She’s not a good person/politican and it’s no shock you’re rushing to her defense.


This guy’s mad but sure I’ll vote for him anyway.

He’s mad, but he’s Wexford mad. You’d nearly accept that*

*this could be detrimental to civil society

Have you ever tweeted Chu yourself? I presume you’d have done it in your own name?