TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Is Chu a west coast American employer? Probably not so.

A lot of people on this site would struggle with a notion like that :wink:

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I didn’t say anything about her.

You said you were being stopped from questioning her. You said everybody was being stopped from questioning her.

You aren’t.

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Fucking have it

Probably tweeted her when he tweeted Claire Daly, Gemma and the likes with his dossier of apparent racism on here


@glenshane never told his young lad was on the Derry minor panel.

U17 even

I was just gonna ask

Hope Woolie isn’t suggesting anything sinister there? Because there is only 1 fella connected with that tweet who I’d be wondering if they are on drugs and its not the child.

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Last year’s competition so u18 is correct


I think that’s a bit of a leap to think Wooly was suggesting that


Ah yeah, it was the only way I could make the attempted joke work though

Woolie should go down to Blackrock in Salthill. That seems to be the average size of the young lads down there. They’re gone mental big.

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Under 18 effectively as it’s concluding last year’s Championship.

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My young lad is 11…nowhere near the county minors…plays senior for the club right enough


Lads are aytin the gym. Some of the ‘minors’ in our club ffs

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Surely it’s not really a good thing to be that big so young in health terms.