TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Not trying to be a cunt now but is she unrale hot?

Ah here I just had a browse of the profile there’s no one cat-calling that lad.

Too masculine for me anyway…
If I was her, I’d be lapping it up and not paying the victim card.All these things think they’re Kim Kardashian nowadays,where as years ago she’d be under no illusion,the fuckn fox wouldn’t take her and wouldn’t have notions.

Social media is Satan’s creation.


To be confirmed? What is she confirming? And has it been confirmed?

She looks like a bloke, no way anyone whistled at her.


The TFK misogyny club creaming themselves with their latest pile on I see.


Anyone else have Glas at 5/6 fav?


Some of the ‘allies’ in the replies.

And then also the full blown bat shit crazy

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Those virtue signaling types are probably the most likely to have skeletons in the closet when it comes to abusing or taking advantage of women.

What’s their agenda I have to ask.


They want to get the ride off her

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Yeah these virtue signalling “white privileged knights” come across as try hard.

Very sinister individuals who try to use causes as a vehicle to further agendas.


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The woke fishing lads telling her to call the Gardai trying to ingratiate themselves into some form of online or other relationship are sickening.



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Exhibit A - Eoghan McDermott


No, she’s an unfortunate looking crathur in terms of looks.


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“Meatbag” :joy::joy:

In fairness, this appears to happen to her with suspicious regularity. It may just be a Dublin thing, but …

She is quite clearly a narcissist.

Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding

What people like her do undermines people that genuinely do get harrassed, it’s the boy who cried wolf syndrome, it generate cynicism. It’s a bit like the people who try and use the mental health card to get away with things.

These type of people who try to use genuine issues, problems and ailments to further an agenda, to get a free pass, gain attention or whatever their motive is are the worst type in society and do huge damage to things like mental health issues and sexual harrassment.