TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Woolberto has spoken

That Sarah Everard disappearance and likely murder that I posted about yesterday on missing person case is particularly sinister and a white well educated woman with a good job going missing in a busy area at 9.30pm is chilling and would spook people who are white well educated with good jobs as they think that could be them.

Within 24 hours it has become calls for curfews for men and calls for all men to stop killing women. Some of it is sensible - don’t walk behind a woman on a dark lonely street as you’ll scare her.

But the woke cunts on Twitter are now fully awake

Hope the Portlaoise bingo is a success.


I might buy a card for the mother.

Social Democrats enough said. They should rebrand as the Woke Irish Twitter Party

When the same rationale is used by their enemies on the right against immigrants travellers etc - they rightly complain. People are dumb. :man_shrugging:

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Every man is a rapist until proven otherwise


What has the portlaoise GAA bingo got to do with it? Are they in on it?

This place is a rock of common sense when compared to twitter.


Cc @carryharry

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If somebody said it about a subset of men - say black men - they’d be cancelled.

It’s amazing what fear does and in this case their own unconscious bias is triggered because the victim was just like them.

The Chy-na virus started in Chy-na. Cancel all the cunts . Build another wall around the gaff. (Except on Friday nights. I look forward to the house special with flied rice and Cantonese sauce)

What I’ve learned from the Scooby Doo story is the Jews don’t count. A raging anti-semite but Twitter won’t even mention that.

David Baddiel has just written a book about the very point.

The woke brigade would want bingo banned - legs 11 & two fat ladies

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I just read it, it’s class

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Well, you’d have to be interested, you’d have to care and be fairly woke yourself. I got it in audible and its only and hour and a half long so it did for a trip to Monaghan one day. Well argued, formidable.

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