TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

I don’t know who Kayleigh is but she’s got to go

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@glasagusban likes to lower the blade when the virtue signallers are shown up to be rather hollow and insincere.


No I think you’ve got that backwards.

You are trying to stifle discussion here. Why?

I’m calling your “discussion” weird and obsessive and pointless.

It’s not though. You just don’t like hollow, insincere virtue signallers of your ilk being held to account on their own standards.

It’s nasty.


Serious whataboutery going on in the wake of her exposure as a racist xenophobe

He asked a question and got an answer. A quick use of the forums search function would reveal that @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has posted one link to her tweets (in addition to the screenshot posted yesterday)

I wouldn’t call that obsessed :man_shrugging:


@glasagusban is obsessed with TFK posters being obsessed with random Twitter people

Glas is like a school prefect going around the place tut tutting at people and holding them to account. He’s the tfk scooby doo.


It’s a bit like how he is pro lockdown and sneers at people who disagree with him on the impacts of it yet wants international travel opened up so he can go on holidays.

Very insincere.

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He should pay heed to what this wise lady has to say…


Áine is absolutely great.

The weirdly obsessed TFK lads are circling the wagons.

Me? I very rarely comment on this stuff.

You should try it

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It’s a modern day aesops fable. Live by the tweet and die by the tweet. The most bizzare thing is that she has tweets slagging addicts, travellers, blacks etc pre dating her run for the Dáil. Like how in the fuck would you not just delete all your old tweets! They are there for anybody to root up. Amateur hour.



Ewan has summed it up nicely here, I do feel a bit sorry for this girl, what a way to have your world cave in


There’s a huge and growing immaturity in our society. It’s like Salem or McCarthyism. Social media and especially Twitter is a malignant influence on the world.

This lady has been caught in a web she spun herself.

She’ll now face the ignominy she dished out to others. It’s quite medieval.


All this shit started when they changed the voting system in the Eurovision song contest and allowed the public to ring in rather than have a full blown old fashion jury. I warned this would happen when they changed the rules. But did anyone take heed? Did they fuck. Now look

tenor (73)