TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

One for the never happened thread??

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Surely if she was sent it she could screenshot it?

Paddy will track down Shergarā€™s killers next.


Heā€™s unreal,leave @anon67715551 out of this.That horse was dead when he found him.

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What I find funny is all these ffg sock puppet accounts tweet about nonsense that are not political but you go into their tweets and replies and itā€™s a different story.

Added to this check who you follow that also follows them its always the twitter accounts of semi state enterprises like Irish rail, electric Ireland and Dublin airport etc.

Irish twitter is nawful place

Howā€™s he uncovering these folksā€™ real identities on Twitter?

I see that Conor Riocht fella originally had a different Twitter account name. It was his name plus a number or something but heā€™d amended it years ago and seemingly deleted any tweets that were on the account under his name. Yet Cosgrave was able to access tweets posted under the old name.

Sure itā€™s like here,everybody knows who everybody is.Nobodys too hard to find, thereā€™s crumbs everywhere.

Gary Neville seems to have gradually become as deranged and mad as Ewan MacKenna these days.

man Una mulally

said it here before, it is clear that a Twitter insider is providing data in breach of GDPR

Heā€™s missing Politics For All


This is a four year old tweet? Why is Olan dredging it up now?

What is Garyā€™s beef these days ???

No heā€™s pro Sinn Fein remember

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Paddy will out each member here with our real details. Weā€™re fucked then.

Yeahā€¦I found that very odd too.

Changing your username does not delete old tweets under that user name that were retweeted or if you were @'d in one.
Paddy is clearly paying teams of lads to go back and rifle through every single person connected with FF & FGs twitter account, so itā€™s not that surprising if he can dig up some shit. Iā€™d be surprised if even Twitter employees had access to the kind of data required to out someone.
The fact that he hasnā€™t actually found anything on anyone except a bunch of nobodies would back this up I think