TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

Or sitting on it for the right time and maximum effect. There may be a few doozies when Martins term of Taoiseach is over.

some poor language from a supposed ‘journalist of the year’

The Journalists and Politician’s seem to be far too cozy with each other these days.

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FG have figured out that you just keep them sweet by using them for a few years then hiring them in as “advisors”

Massively so^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

sometimes the politicians do us a favor - they took that sanctimonious pc gimp off Newstalk


Daniel McConnell and Pat Leahy are probably the two best examples of how certain journalists have acted as spin doctors for the OIUTF lobby during this pandemic.

Fine Gael is an OIUTF party and always has been. Since Micheal Martin has been Taoiseach FG and Varadkar in particular have worked to undermine the government they are supposed to part of, and particularly worked to try and undermine Martin. They have worked to undermine public health advice. And they’ve been wrong each time. Obviously.

McConnell and Leahy have acted as their mouthpieces. When you read a tweet or an article by them, you’re reading the views of the whole cosy FG/IBEC/OIUTF business lobby. They almost put Laura Kuenssberg in the shade.

Leo represents a party of 1.


Its all this ‘received a text from a Senior Minister’ nonsense and when there are Parliamentary Party meetings shur the journalists might as well be there.

There was none of that back in the halcyon days when we had proper leaders like Enda and Bertie.

The Irish media have pumped LIDTF for 20 months. The odd voice challenging this has been run off MSM and now social media.

It’s fascinating to watch.


Conor Riocht left social media of his own volition because he couldn’t stand over what he was putting up on it.

OIUTF has consistently used a hectoring, bullying, aggressive tone during the pandemic.

Classic examples of people who can give it but cannot take it.

IBEC must be the worst lobbyists of all time given they have the government in their back pocket and only orchestrated the €9 meal and 8pm cinema closures.

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I can’t think of one regular contributor on RTÉ who was OIUTF but now lads want balanced graphs.

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Remember David Davin Power on RTE and Ursula Halligan on TV3? They carried an aura and presence about them and asked the hard questions.

A long way from the current Lot. I’d say that mickey mouse journalism course above in Glasnevin has a lot to answer for.

It’s like the lidtf rubes are living in an alternative reality. The full force of all Irish media, TV, radio, social media has relentlessly pumped lockdowns and restrictions and covid fanaticism for 2 (TWO!) years now. Any murmur of opposition or balance has been decried as a crank or murderer. These people are deranged.


It’s tremendous that there are lads stuck on an obscure internet forum who think they have stumbled on the “hidden truth” and that pretty much the entirety of the world’s scientific community are conspiracy theorists.

It really is.

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So better to have Paddy on the inside of the tent pudding out

The incredible growth of cases while masks are mandated in all public indoor spaces suggests masks do the sum of sweet fuck all in preventing transmission.

If you were mischievous you might suggest introducing masks in primary schools was the time the cases started to grow out of control but of course any such conclusion in a multi faceted system is simplistic.


Oh yeah they asked the hard questions…


A new t shirt be a lovely way to start the new year

Wearing a hat indoors is one of many things that bug me