TwiX (Part 2) The bird is Xtinct

He made a fuck of the colourisation

I hope Iā€™m never murdered in tragic circumstances and have my death used as a vehicle for virtue signallers to stroke their narcissism.


Youā€™re the wrong sex

Itā€™s fucking sickening shite.

Wtf does he usually do? Plough over them on the footpath?


Truth is that like everything in this pathetic age of social media that absolutely every persuasion is finding something in this tragedy to weaponise on the internet. That eejit who posted that should have kept it to himself of it really happened, itā€™s pathetic that he would seek validation on Twitter for stepping onto the road, equally pathetic that the anti woke are trawling accounts for material to belittle their opponent and peddle their misogyny.

The poor girl and her family donā€™t matter a fuck to most, we are unquestionably the most selfish generations that have been, itā€™s shameful all round.

Go to a vigil, go home, or step onto the road to make a female jogger feel comfortable and carry on with your day,

Donā€™t take offence at the ā€˜itā€™s not all men but its always menā€™ line,
Thereā€™s people really suffering as a result of what happened,


Another one for the tnh thread

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Which one of ye is that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It happens thousands of times a day for Gods sake,
Happens to me a few times a day, a smile rather than a ā€˜thank you very muchā€™ but itā€™s the same thing

:rofl: not me your honour.

It would make you worry that a lad thinks basic good manners whether towards a male or female are worthy of a pat on the back


I agree, I think the best thing anyone can do is offer their condolences and respect the family by not trying to hijack the poor girlā€™s death for their own agendas.

Itā€™s just sad some people canā€™t afford them that level of respect. Itā€™s so insincere and cynical and youā€™d love to see cretins like those two chaps tweeting about it to be called out on it but that only inflames the situation and suddenly the poor girl and her family become a pawn in a silly argument.

But itā€™s definitely the virtue signallers who are to blane here and their insincerity is infuriating.


Depends if youā€™re running for a PB.


100%. The virtue signallers are the worst. It was always the case at funerals. Youā€™d be inside in the room and hear some of the cunts howling in laughter outside. They donā€™t share your grief and 2 minutes later they have moved on. Its almost a form of voyeurism. I know a lot has been lost with funerals during the pandemic and the crowds have been thinned out so to speak but these gobshites on social media are the same cunts who would care the least. Only there to politicise, monotonise or socialise for their own nepharious means.


I have nothing against this gentleman but I find that an extremely odd Twitter post. In fact, I hope that James Gaule is OK because his whole twitter page is strange.

ā€œThe most selfish generationā€
Probably one of the most honest sentences Iā€™ve read on hereā€¦
The unashamedly blatant and when I say blatant I mean it, narcissistic behavior of people in general on social media is disgusting .( Not all,but a substantial section)
And maybe some will agree with me on this,but Iā€™ve noticed the more that someone tries to portray themselves as having the perfect life,devoted and loyal to family/friends and the type that when they donate to charity,they put it on their various pages for all to see,are the most unhappy and biggest cunts of all when you know them in real life.
A cesspit lads.


The ink is getting to his brain

Is this a parody account?

ā€œTalk to them about what itā€™s like to live as a woman in Irelandā€ what the fuck?


He got cancelled shortly after

As sure as night follows day there has already being a surfacing of screenshots of previous comments he has made. Another Eoghan McDermot.

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