UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

I’m willing to take on an admin role to take some of the workload off you and @bandage?

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Not necessarily.

But definitely ignorant and unemployed

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@padjo ???

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You were unemployed. Was that because you were ignorant, a thick cunt or just plain useless

My post was about context so I’m glad you agree with me. I read the initial tweet which coldly said the fourth official referred to a guy as the “black guy”. I don’t think that automatically made it racist and I’ve said as much. If there was more to it or some tone, and it may well be that there was given the reaction, then fair enough.

Which hero is logging in under this one?

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I bet it’s @myboyblue

:rofl: a little from column a…

To answer your question, no, as you had no intention to be.

Fair play to mousey, standing up for those lads is the only example of actual action against racism I’ve seen on here. I’m sure he won’t mind if others borrow it to use on other forums, cos if they had their own, they’d certainly mention it.

There was no racism in Monaghan until those Romanian gypos arrived.

Nor was there in Galway until Limerick won the All Ireland

Thank you. A bit of common sense. I’m not sure black people even want to be subsumed into this monoculture that seems to be prevailing at the moment. More in depth conversations are needed in this area rather than the juvenile approach of hand wringing and the tokenism of taking a knee. Why cant we celebrate diversity and multiculturalism instead of weaponising it?

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Game rescheduled for tomorrow. Will start at 14th minute.

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I hope they apologise to 45h official first

Thanks for tagging me mate, just going to like all of Rocko’s posts now :+1:

FFS. The black guy the brown guy the ginger the baldie, the tranny. the world is fucked

The amusing things is you’ve posters on here condemning the fourth officials comments but will rush to defend Luis Suarez for racially abusing Patrice evra.

Are people still rushing to defend Suarez?

They will be walking off the field soon for an official saying “he touched it last” and assuming gender. The world is fucked. You’ll have the usual social media warriors in here cheering them on too.

Keith Andrews on Sky said letter from Millwall top brass was “Barbaric” in relation to a plea to supporters. Maybe his hair extends into his skull in the absence of a brain.

‘‘It’s about time a stance was taken’’ I think thats something we can all agree with

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