UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

Or ensure each player has a different hair colour on match days, because hair colour is safe.


Yes I reported both of them two days ago and nothing was done. Iā€™ve reported many over the years.

The context is hugely important. This is mindblowingly obvious but describing someone as a ā€œblack bastardā€ is different to saying ā€œblack Americans are marginalisedā€ or something.

And the incident tonight is clearly neither of those extremes, but it was superfluous, differentiating, completely contrary to the anti racism messages in football and is, at best, a profoundly ignorant choice of words from the fourth official.

The apparently educated posters claiming some obstruction of free speech are seemingly craving attention. The racists who try to find the grey area in every accusation of racism are contemptible but nothing new there.


Weekly basis?

Well said :clap:

Yes go the matters limerick thread and youā€™ll see his remarks. Nothing is ever done about them though.

You should go back & report them all immediately.

I reported them last week when I read them.

If he said Afro- (insert other ethnic origin here) would it still be racist? It all sounds like a bizarre over reaction.

Only two?

It is what it is unfortunately.

He posted two last week I didnā€™t see any others.

You said weekly, bro.

Dangerous waters. You could accuse a fella of being a Yank by mistake.

I need to up my output

As @bandage can attest to, I warned MBB last week and deleted a post.
There are a number of unreviewed flags at the moment which I havenā€™t read.
I, regrettably, donā€™t have time to review everything on here every day.

Iā€™ve said it before but it bears reiteration: I have no time for anti traveller posts. I think itā€™s a horrible stain on our society. The racism towards travellers disgusts me. From what I can see, the majority of people in Ireland are biased/racist/intolerant of/towards travellers. I canā€™t solve that here. I think I introduced a rule before that the only way around this was to not talk about the topic at all because my opinion seems to be in a minority. That doesnā€™t seem the right way to approach the situation and itā€™s also very hard to moderate so Iā€™m at a bit of a loss.

But until I find a better solution, my attitude is that I canā€™t stop people being racist but I can stop people saying things I believe to be racist or discriminatory on TFK. So I think the best idea is just to ban people who feel they need to vent about travellers on TFK. The obvious solution for anyone who feels that is unfair is to not talk about travellers at all. If you donā€™t have something negative to say then no need to feel silenced.

Anyway Iā€™ll make that clearer somewhere else when I talk to @bandage on it but your comment here merits a response given the topic.


A lot of Dan Snyders on TFK I see.

Well If you did warn @myboyblue fair play.

I work in an office and there are black people there. If a client asked me where one of them sat and I said ā€œthe black person there by the watercoolerā€ am I a racist? :fearful: