UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

Iā€™m not. If something genuinely racist was said the players did the right thing walking off the pitch.

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Why mention his race at all? He said ā€œthis black guyā€ and as Demba Ba has pointed out, thereā€™s no way heā€™d have said ā€œthis white guyā€ if referring to one of the white subs. Stupid comment anyway. Ignorant more than anything probably.


Definitely not the right way of saying it, but I donā€™t think it merited walking off the pitch.

Now something worse may have been said so itā€™s speculation at this point.

Demba Ba took offense to it. He was referred to by his race for absolutely no reason.

Iā€™d walk off with him for it


I think it does. A referee referring to you by the colour of your skin for no reason at all is completely unacceptable.

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If there was 7 black lads in a line and 1 white guy and I didnā€™t know their names Iā€™d say it the white guy if asked to point him out.

The world is gone completely mad. I hear in some schools teachers canā€™t say he or she anymore in case the child is gender neutral.


NegrƩ could be a local colloquialism

Thatā€™s fair enough if he did. Iā€™d stand by a teammate too.

For my vantage point Iā€™d say it wasnā€™t racist but Iā€™ve no idea of the tone. If, in a crowd of white men with one black man present, I referred to one as the ā€œblack guyā€ if consider it more descriptive than racist.

Your comparison is stupid. Youā€™re ignoring the race of the referee and ignoring the history of racism against people of colour. And ignoring you fact there werenā€™t 6 white subs and 1 black guy.


Can you refer to someoneā€™s race at all so? Is race one of those things we should pretend to ignore?

If someone calls out a ginger is that racist? Asking for a friend

No. You donā€™t ignore race obviously. But a referee using it to refer to a player for no reason at all is simply wrong.

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The fourth official clearly forgot his white privilege here

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Was his number visible?

Do you support Millwall too?

Ffs :grinning:

If the roles were reversed and somebody said the white guy and the players walked off the field people would be laughing their heads off. Itā€™s nonsense.

Demba Ba is black. It isnā€™t racist to call a black person black or a white person white. Itā€™s pure nonsense.

I think we are getting into ridiculous territory if you canā€™t describe a black man as a black man.

If Demba Ba felt it was racist or said in a racist manner thatā€™s fair enough. Iā€™m just making the general point.