UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

No I donā€™t.

He called bemba ba the black guyā€¦ I thought ba was black?

There must be very few problems in the world if this is now considered racism.

Your point was ridiculous. Your comparisons are ludicrous. Your fresh take on the situation is actually just a tired attempt to have an alternative voice and itā€™s as boring as it is inane.


Ah lads. An official in these times using that terminology is either a complete idiot or a racist fuck.

Either way he is fucked

Was he Italian?

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I canā€™t confirm or deny if Demba Ba is black.

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Donā€™t be racist

cc @Batigol

The usual edgy lads trying to deny a man his right to be offended while they get offended at his offence


Fucking Romanians


Looks like @Tank called this


That fucking Romanian was stupid but thereā€™s no way heā€™s a racist.

Of course, reliable source probably

Bitta High Jinx

@Tank was wrong

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