UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

Black Lives Matter should be disbanded for being racist towards black people if tonight is racism.

Playing to the gallery.

For shame

Yes that’s what you’re doing. You’re just to dim to think for yourself. Again.

Saw this elsewhere and think it’s a good point

"By Western multicultural standards it isn’t great at all. But living in Korea I experienced ‘the white guy’ and ‘the foreigner’. ‘The black guy’ would certainly be used commonly too I have no doubt.

In a post-communist country with probably less than 0.1% of the population being black there are different standards in terms of use of language and what counts as acceptable. It’s churlish to ignore cultural relativism when incidents like this happen.

UEFA however should surely be vetting their officials on stuff like this to make sure every one of them are singing from the same hymn sheet if they’re going to ref on the biggest stage."

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They won’t forget it in Liverpool anyway​:rofl::rofl:

The referee has grown up and spent most of his life in a homogeneous white country. But little did he know, he and every person in Romania has benefitted from white privilege. Or something.

The dozy cunts forgot their was no crowd noise to deafen out their racial slurs.


What racial slurs? Calling a black person black?

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His name is Demba Ba you stupid cunt.

No you said there was racial slurs. What were they?

Do you think Demba Ba has no right to be offended at being called “the black guy”

Is the issue not in the term used I wonder? Did it translate as ‘black guy’ or something Suarez esque?

He is a black guy.

I think that could be the issue.

He knows. He found that shit in the replies to the tweet.

The remark wasn’t aimed at Demba Ba, it was one of the assistants

I wonder would the Referee note the Red card being issued to the “ Black Guy “ in his match report.

It’s the truth… If lads are uncomfortable with the truth like they are uncomfortable with using words that describe race…they might need to do some introspection and see what’s causing the discomfort.