UEFA CL 2020 gameday 6

To even suggest the black power salute and the Nazi salute are comparable is ludicrous.

He is. He doesn’t need that pointed out to him at work for no reason by a white guy

He has every right to be offended. People take offense all the time. I don’t think that necessarily makes it racist.

You’d need to be a special kind of simpleton to share it tbh.

Thankfully this wasn’t for no reason, and it wasn’t even him, the referee was wondering who to send off.

Who will I send off?the big thick looking cunt from Galway there

So you really don’t have two brain cells to rub together. Got it.

Demba Ba did.

Christ you’re painfully inane

I might be wrong. For starters the initial reports on twitter were that he was speaking French and the word was “negré”. That would be par for course on the streets of Paris but that still doesn’t necessarily make it OK because France is unbelievably racist. So that was complicated enough but now it seems he was speaking Romanian. Lots of lads jumping in on both sides here but you need to let the dust settle before you make any bug judgments. This word might be very common in Romania but still racist because Romania is probably backward and racist as fuck, I dont know. Whenever Suarez had his racist incident his defence was that everyone in Uruguay just said that word all the time.

I also don’t know the exact circumstances of saying the word. Pointing to one black man standing by himself and saying “that negro” is obviously different than pointing at 2 men and using “negro” to distinguish them, even if that’s still fairly impolite. I dont know what happened yet.

But regardless of what the exact facts turn out to be, Demba Ba has behaved heroically and both teams have acquitted themselves very well.

Again that’s his right but I don’t think that necessarily makes it racist.

He wasn’t pointing it out to him… The 4th official was talking to the ref… It wasn’t the greatest choice of words, I think everyone here can agree on that.

You dont have to.

Of course I don’t. I’m just offering my opinion.

Why wasn’t it the greatest choice of words?

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If you were asked to describe Demba Ba to someone who hadn’t a clue what he looked like, what words would you use?

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Why bother engaging with the predictable posts from the guy who goes out of his way to see the “other” side in any debate on racism? It’s a horrible way for your man to be but he’s best ignored.


The lad who made an ape of Steven Gerard


I’d forgotten that was him, the slip is more famous than who scored at this stage

Harry said slurs were used. But can’t provide any evidence.

The brain donor thinks calling someone the black guy = the big thick looking cunt. That’s kinda shocking.