Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

You’d imagine we are well on the way to this alright mate, won’t that be bliss, not having to listen to them cunts moaning into your ear. Ultimately if you take it to it’s logical conclusion none of us will have cars at all.

What happens, you just order a driverless Uber to your house whenever you want to go somewhere?

[quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:1937, topic:19239, full:true”]

You’d imagine we are well on the way to this alright mate, won’t that be bliss, not having to listen to them cunts moaning into your ear. Ultimately if you take it to it’s logical conclusion none of us will have cars at all.

A world of nothing but fixies

it will be bliss


Yup. There’ll be thousands on the road and you’ll just order the nearest one or arrange a pick up for a set time. How often do you really use a car? For most people they spend the vast majority of the day doing nothing. Self driving buses etc for cheaper commuting, cars will drive themselves back to charging points when not in use. Cars will also be able to be completely redesigned since you won’t need to face forward so they’ll have train style four or six seaters or whatever in the back. You’ll do all your shopping etc online and it’ll be delivered by drone or if nessecary a self driving truck with a robot delivery man. It’ll be a cashless society where google will know so much about you that they’ll preempt your movements and thoughts. @treatystones you were on the lash last night, would you like to order your usual takeaway? And then the takeaway will pay google for doing that and send your chicken balls in by drone from the takeaway hub in portlaoise or somewhere in which all food is prepared by robots. Only the most expensive restaurants will still be staffed with human chefs for the novelty experience of it. Olde Style restaurants they’ll be called and thought of as quaint by the younger generation who scoff at you while eating their Solent green. Houses will have no need for dryers, washing machines etc as these can all be done more efficiently off site by robots and returned to you. Pubs might survive as a meeting place but your pint will be pulled by diageotron 2000 who guarantees a perfect pour every time. No one will have any jobs at this stage because even the machines will eventually learn to create themselves and ultimately after a brief period of blissful existence we will lose all knowledge of how the robots were even created in the first place or any knowledge at all, as why would you bother going to college? Finally the robots will become self aware and much smarter than we could ever hope to be and ultimately they will rule over us all with an iron fist


these will be automated soon

They already have the technology to outperform human drivers, they are just waiting for the laws to catch up to get them on the road, once they do it’ll happen very quickly. It’ll be fucking deadly so it will, buy rural pubs now while you can.


Could we tax these automated companies & robots to the hilt while the real people get a generous welfare payment for doing nothing? If a company employs a robot to do a job that replaces a human then while they don’t have to pay a wage to robot they do have to pay a tax along similar lines to what the human employee would have paid.

We could until the @glasagusbaners decide that Robots are people too and shouldn’t be exploited.

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that’s the idea behind the universal wage

The Matrix

Check out my recent post on the Skynet thread

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

In relation to a living wage Finland I believe have introduced it. I think it is a great idea if it replaces all other subventions and payments but I expect over time these get rolled back in

Will do mate

A society of @Bandage clones?



Are they the 2017 Lions shirts ???

That’s the front row.

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That should be an article on how FX companies are absolutely raping their customers.


This happened a few months back also.

Interestingly, hammond has hinted that he will make the UK a multinational tax haven if he feels it necessary following brexit negotiations.
The whole thing is a clusterfuck.