Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

This obsession with the Rwanda project is baffling

Jockeying innit.


This is the stuff of a full on constitutional crisis. Telling the courts what they can and canā€™t take into account. Barmy stuf.

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Heā€™s probably lying too, or stretching the very elastic UK govt version of truth. All to appease 60 odd piss smelling bigots in whatever run down shopping centre prefab the local Tory club is leasing.


In other news


Would have to see your ones rack before passing any judgment


I could be wrong, in fact I probably amā€¦

But from reading between the lines, if they could have got this Rwanda thing off the ground then they could have used it like an African staging post and ship basically any Africans off there from the mainland. Like it being a British enclave or whatever.

There was a pair of them in it.


Sure the Rwanda thing is a red herring. The large increase in migration is due to people getting in legally to work but with their family dependants. There is a massive skills/labour shortage because the English canā€™t be arsed to work.


There has to be stories like that in every country. Too much money sloshing around too quickly. Decisions being made quicker than any normal process can manage. The stories of dodgy covid millionaires will trickle out for the rest of the decade.

Canā€™t be arsed to train up if there is a skills shortage

We were out on Saturday night in town. One of our company was a very experienced public health nurse. She attributed much of the shortage of nurses here to the nursing degree being seen as a stepping stone to another medical qualification.

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This is bad form and not one bit funny at all

Thats brilliant, stiched him right up they did

I suspect that seller might not be of UK origin

Theres a wee lad stuck inside there