Uk Affairs - Sterling is taking a Pounding

Was it with him she had the affair with?

She has lots. Rumor I heard from a well placed source is that she gave Abbott from Oz an interesting evening.

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My mate Claire, who’d ate her for breakfast is livid as she feels truss is making the entire female sex look worse. I tried to say that truss was just an outlier of a human being, but she was adamant.

Tony Abbott is a devout and pious Catholic and I cannot imagine him engaging in adultery.
Having a child out of wedlock, being a horrible, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, climate change denying, facist, corrupt and incompetent arsehole on the other hand, I can believe.

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You left out awful taste

A U-turn on a U-turn

Ho ho ho

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That didn’t take long

Fucking scumbags, pity he didn’t have any backup.

I am guessing that was a security guard and a police officer doing the fighting there? Hard to know with the uniform.

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Thats a proper security guard, he nutted that scumbag good and proper


I wonder where that cretin Nadine thinks she got her mandate to sell C4.

JRM is making a play for the big gig here

Anna Soubry just went on an Eamon Dunphy style state of the nation rant against Truss and the Tory party in general and endorsed Sir Keir for PM. Believes a heave against Truss will come before Christmas.

That’s a proper security guard right there :clap:


That headbutt :clap::clap::clap:


A stone cold legend. He gave it em.

He fuckin did. He gave it to him right good, and went again too. Fuckin legend.