Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The UK is finished.


that Sadiq Khan looks fucked all the time, savage tired, black bags under his eyes all the time, i’d say he can’t handle the job, its too big for him

He’s not up to it. More concerned about banning posters of women in bikinis in the underground,than the security of his city. An appeaser.

fucking hell, Khan has some honker on him, I never noticed it before, he must have been carefully positioning himself in front of cameras to disguise it all along, its fucking grotesque



He’s the brown Mac.

MacBrown even.


If he was a craft beer he’d be a hook nosed dunkel.


Is he a two by two ??

Sharon Stone impersonation contest ??

That headline sums up britain’s relevance to the world of the 2020s


Ah here.

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Exactly, Sturgeon obviously won it, but the daily mail is too biased to admit

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Article 50 will be triggered tomorrow guys. That’s it. Life will never be the same again.

Since the referendum Boris has disappeared off the face of the earth, UKIP have gone through two changes of leadership and have no MPs left and Farage has spent the interim period licking the balls of the most despised man on the planet.

Now poor old Theresa is going to have to go and try to make a silk purse out of this pigs ear. What a palaver

I very much enjoyed Channel 4 News’s feature from Grimsby this evening, featuring a fearsome-looking chap with about three visible teeth who exclaimed that he was still delighted with his decision to vote Leave because “we didn’t fight two world wars to be dictated to”.

The same feature also included an interview with a 69 year old man who came across as very mannerly, thoughtful and considerate, who said that he was “sad” at Britain leaving the EU.

This feature achieved its aim which was to reinforce my smug but correct confirmation bias about each camp’s respective voters.

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Thats the main feature of confirmation bias… to favour selective information as evidence you are correct, so ‘correct confirmation basis’ as you’ve stated, is a contradiction in terms. Smug feeling must be nice though.

Good on the Brits, they will be fine, probably.

Ps: theres a nice photo gallery article in the Guardian today reviewing Romford brexit types that will be right up your correct confirmation bias street.

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Erik Morales had a nose like that. Larry Merchant used to say that it was like a hawk circling its prey.

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